Saturday, January 26, 2019

Return Of The Aztec Human Sacrifice Rituals

New York celebrates child sacrifice with passage of extreme abortion law

Recently, archeologists discovered a temple devoted to the god Xipe Totec, also known as the “Flayed Lord.” Priests in charge of the worship services would wear the flayed skins of human sacrifices as a symbol of the new life which was to burst from the skin of seeds during the spring   
A number of statues similar to the one depicted in the article show the dangling hand of the skinned victim, whose demise was supposed to guarantee a good crop.

An eyewitness, Fray Toribo de Benavente Motolina, a Catholic priest who arrived in the New World before the Spanish conquistadors who conquered the Aztec empire, wrote an account of the natives’ butchery of human beings during religious rituals:

“The high priest who wielded the sacrificial knife struck the blows that smashed through the chest. He then thrust his hand into the cavity which he had opened to rip out the still beating heart. This he held high as an offering to the sun … ”
The horror and revulsion felt by the conquistadors on witnessing such gruesome rituals was one reason why, in 1521, they leveled to the ground the metropolis that later rose again as Mexico City. They did not buy into the claims that the sacrifice of humans ensured good crops essential to the world’s health. They did not think a higher purpose was served by ripping the hearts out and wearing the skins of human beings. No, hardened conquistadors who were familiar with evil within their own country and who could themselves be brutal, did not support the ritual sacrifice of human beings for supposedly higher ideals.  

They were not like professed Catholic Andrew Cuomo and the heartless legislators of New York State, who like the devotees of Xipe Toltec, believe the murder of innocent human beings is justified because of the “health” of the world — also known as “reproductive freedom.” Despite being cruel in their own way, the conquistadors would not have shared the world view that women have the absolute right to sacrifice their unborn children for any reason whatever throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy.

If they were horrified by the rituals within the temples of Xipe Toltec, what might the mercenaries of the Spanish monarchy have thought of today’s temples devoted to human sacrifice? How would they regard the temples in which some 60 million unborn children have been sacrificed by high priests who believe in “a woman’s right to choose;” high priests who receive blood money for human sacrifice; high priests who like Herman Gosnell, snip the spinal cords of infants born alive before throwing them into the trash?

The fact is that permission to sacrifice viable unborn children is precisely what the latest abortion bill passed by the New York legislature and signed by Gov. Cuomo on the date of the passage of Roe vs. Wade does: It allows the killing of human beings for the supposedly higher purpose of women’s “rights.” It continues and reinforces the Roe vs. Wade decision that has enabled the death of millions of innocents, all of whose beating hearts have been stopped forever; some of whose hearts are stilled by an injection of digoxin as surely as the hearts of sacrificial victims of the god Xipe Toltec were stilled when ripped from their bodies.   

Are we becoming incapable of recognizing and being horrified by human sacrifice, even though it is before our very eyes? Are we now numb to outrages like the celebratory pink light shined on what is ironically called the “Freedom Tower, which by Gov. Cuomo’s order is now a monument devoted to celebration of death rather than a tribute to the innocent dead killed during the 9/11 attack?  

In fact, just as the Aztec priests celebrated the death of human beings as an essential part of their religious rituals, here in America there also are men and women of “faith” who are blessing abortion clinics, calling abortion “godly.”

For Christians and non-Christians alike, the unrebuked sacrifice of innocents renders us unable to judge evil and paralyzes the ability to learn from the horrifying lessons of the past. What can we say against the Holocaust? What have we to say against the massacre of millions in the USSR and Maoist China? What have we to say about the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia, the forced abortions in present day China; or the sale of baby skins and body parts right here in the United States of America?

When churches and nations accept and celebrate abortion even up to the time of delivery, it’s time to realize the moral compass for judging any criminality is completely broken. The holocausts, pogroms, massacres and persecutions of the past and present become mere curiosities or matters of mere statistics, as Joseph Stalin noted. History provides no measure against which we can claim a superior morality. After all, there are no lessons to be learned from people who did or still do things just like we’re doing.

When abortion is celebrated, there are no longer any reasons whatever for any moral action taken to save the innocent anywhere, at any time, at any place: Not for those burned alive by ISIS; not for Christians being dragged off to prison in China or exterminated in the Middle East; not for sex trafficking; not for child abuse inside or outside the Church. There is no reason fight against any evil -- not when we are morally paralyzed by allowing the sacrifice of innocent human beings in the name of “freedom.”

Doing evil in the name of good is the reason the Aztecs evolved into what the conquistadors found. We America are now Aztecs, too. We can presently claim no exceptional moral status.

The truth is, the reality of abortion is so gruesome that abortion activists rely heavily on euphemism and secrecy. For example, it's been shown time and again that self-described "pro-choice" folks change their mind about abortion after they're shown what the fatal procedure actually entails — and, no, it's not remotely comparable to a "dentist appointment," as we are commonly told by left-wing activists.

So how exactly is a late-term abortion carried out? What will it look like when abortionists in New York state kill the unborn from 25 weeks to birth? In short: infanticide.

Dr. Anthony Levatino, a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist who performed over 1,200 abortions before he became pro-life, explains the horrifying procedure in a video for pro-life organization Live Action.

"At this point, the baby is almost fully developed and viable, meaning he or she could survive outside the womb if the mother were to go into labor prematurely. Because the baby is so large and developed, the procedure takes three or four days to complete," says Levatino (video below).

"On day one, the abortionist uses a large needle to inject a drug called Digoxin," he continues. The drug will be used to cause fatal cardiac arrest, killing the baby. The Digoxin is injected into the baby’s head, torso, or heart via a needle to the mother’s abdomen.
"The baby will feel it," Levatino says. "Babies at this stage feel pain."
The mother's cervix is then opened with sticks of seaweed called laminaria so the woman can give birth to the dead baby.
"While the woman waits for the laminaria to dilate her cervix, she carries her dead baby inside of her for two to three days," the doctor explains. "On day two, the abortionist replaces the laminaria and may perform a second ultrasound to ensure the baby is dead. If the child is still alive, he administers another lethal dose of Digoxin."
If the woman cannot make it to the clinic to give birth to the murdered baby, she might be advised to give birth to the child on a toilet, Levatino says. If the woman does make it to the clinic, but the baby does not fully come out, a dilation and evacuation procedure must be performed, meaning "the abortionist will use clamps and forceps to dismember the baby piece by piece."
"Once the placenta and all the body parts have been removed, the abortion is complete," he says.
Dr. Levatino has been open about what triggered his dramatic transformation from abortionist to pro-life advocate: the tragic death of his daughter Heather. After Heather was hit by a car and died in Levatino’s arms, his perspective about the unborn he was aborting changed. It was no longer medical waste on the table, he said, it was somebody's child. Levatino has vowed to never perform an abortion again and has made it his mission to inform the public about the reality of the heavily-euphemized procedure.

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