Sunday, May 8, 2011

The EU: Is Something Missing?

The economic problems that we have been watching in the EU haven't abated - in fact they seem to be growing worse. The term "Euro Crisis" seems to be a common phrase used to describe the EU these days.

Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone

The debt crisis in Greece has taken on a dramatic new twist. Sources with information about the government's actions have informed SPIEGEL ONLINE that Athens is considering withdrawing from the euro zone. The common currency area's finance ministers and representatives of the European Commission are holding a secret crisis meeting in Luxembourg on Friday

Greece's economic problems are massive, with protests against the government being held almost daily. Now Prime Minister George Papandreou apparently feels he has no other option: SPIEGEL ONLINE has obtained information from German government sources knowledgeable of the situation in Athens indicating that Papandreou's government is considering abandoning the euro and reintroducing its own currency.

This scenario has ramifications for the entire EU:

Alarmed by Athens' intentions, the European Commission has called a crisis meeting in Luxembourg on Friday night. The meeting is taking place at Château de Senningen, a site used by the Luxembourg government for official meetings.

In addition to Greece's possible exit from the currency union, a speedy restructuring of the country's debt also features on the agenda. One year after the Greek crisis broke out, the development represents a potentially existential turning point for the European monetary union -- regardless which variant is ultimately decided upon for dealing with Greece's massive troubles.

It remains unclear whether it would even be legally possible for Greece to depart from the euro zone. Legal experts believe it would also be necessary for the country to split from the European Union entirely in order to abandon the common currency. At the same time, it is questionable whether other members of the currency union would actually refuse to accept a unilateral exit from the euro zone by the government in Athens.

What is certain, according to the assessment of the German Finance Ministry, is that the measure would have a disastrous impact on the European economy.

In addition, the withdrawal of a country from the common currency union would "seriously damage faith in the functioning of the euro zone," the document continues. International investors would be forced to consider the possibility that further euro-zone members could withdraw in the future. "That would lead to contagion in the euro zone," the paper continues.

This is a BIG story and it is receiving surprisingly little press.

Also see:

Portugal to Receive 78 Billion Euro Bailout

Lisbon has reached an agreement with the EU and the IMF to receive 78 billion euros in aid over the next three years to assist it with a crippling debt load. But with Portugal's government in flux and euro-zone approval dependent on suddenly euroskeptic Finland, final approval is far from a sure thing.

Portugal is the third debt-ridden member of the European common currency zone to seek assistance. Greece received a €110 billion loan last spring and Ireland followed suit in the autumn, taking out an €85 billion loan from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Union, among other places.

The 17-member euro zone, though, must also grant its unanimous approval of the bailout package -- approval that recent elections in Finland may endanger. The vote saw the radically anti-EU party True Finns receive 19 percent of the vote and the party's leader, Timo Soini, has made it clear that he is opposed to euro zone bailouts.

And this:

Beyond the EU Debt Crisis

The continent’s financial crisis gave rise to bailouts, infighting and demands for sweeping financial reform. Could there still be a bright future over the horizon for the European Union?

Working together has never been a strong suit for members of the EU, and having the continent on the brink of potential collapse is no different. Fiscally stable northern nations loathe the thought of shouldering the brunt of a mess they see as made by southern countries. And most nations lining the Mediterranean cannot imagine a scenario in which sweeping budget cuts will not lead to nation-crippling protests.

Ideological standoffs are not limited to financial recovery methods—they crop up over almost every EU decision. All 27 member-states have competing interests, and any country can opt-out of measures against its interests. For example, only 17 nations in the union use the euro.

On top of opt-outs, coming to a consensus means finding common ground. This is difficult enough in the United States under a two-party system. In Europe, consensus often means toothless resolutions and legislations that are nearly impossible to enforce.

As their economies are tied to the euro, every EU member-state wants to stop nations falling like dominoes into bailouts. To do so, however, it must find common ground about how to tackle the problem.

The north, led by Germany, appears willing to prop up foundering economies, but these “financier” nations want to see real, sustained effort on the part of countries receiving support to balance their budgets.

Note the following conclusion to this article:

Europe is poised to return as a driving force in world events. In the coming years, uncooperative, underperforming nations will become increasingly irrelevant and the reins of the eurozone will be handed to one streamlined leader.

While the often disunited European Union has long failed to live up to the high hopes it had at its inception, the historical model for a true United States of Europe is there. Given the right mix of EU crises, Europe will be united once again, ready to take on whatever comes its way.

As China rises and the United States continues to take a bow from its role as lone superpower, another powerhouse is emerging on the world economic stage.

Be sure to watch Europe and Germany.

So why are these current news stories relevant to biblical prophecy?

First - look at what we know about the future:

1. Somehow the EU will morph into "10 Kings" - we know from Daniel 2 and 7 that the 10 Kings will develop from the "revived Roman Empire". How or why this happens is unknown.

2. The "growth" into the 10 Kings stage will then somehow produce the antichrist.

3. The combination of 10 Kings and the antichrist will become the most powerful political force that the world has ever seen, including domination over "every tribe, people, language and nation." (Revelation 13:7).

So how will this evolve?

Considering the various problems that the EU is currently encountering - whether it involves finances and the Euro, or foreign policy ambiguity, or whether to grow or shrink in size, etc. - problems which, at the moment seem to be prohibiting any sort of "growth" into this world power we see in biblical prophecy - one aspect seems readily apparent:

The EU lacks a strong leader.

It is hard to imagine the EU morphing into any form of future government which could actually lead and dominate the world, and such a future seems inconceivable as we watch the current news and the various problems within the EU today.

It occurred to me, that such future "growth" will require a strong and powerful leader - someone incredibly charismatic and someone who has a tangible vision for their future - someone who can appear to solve all of these problems and conquer the Middle East while doing this.

If such an individual emerges (and we know that he will emerge), imagine the support and adoration that he will receive.

Right now, the EU continues to see their problems increasing and there seems to be no way out of this abyss. But we know otherwise. Perhaps more importantly - we know that big problems necessitate big changes, and that is where we appear to be in the current timeline of prophetic events. We're at the "big problems" stage. Next will come the "big solutions" stage, but it is my belief that such solutions will come from a powerful leader as described above.

As we watch biblical prophecy evolve, we now have more questions than answers. But these questions will be answered, and probably sooner rather than later:

- Will the EU somehow collapse into 10 powerful nations - leading into the "10 Kings" stage of biblical prophecy?

- Will the EU determine that more growth is required in order to solve stated problems - perhaps into 10 world "regions", or 10 world "unions", all under the direction of the EU and the EU leader with such a vision?

There may be other scenarios in play.

One thing is for sure: Big problems require big solutions.

Who will step forward and offer these solutions?

We know the answer to this question - the only unknowns to prophecy watchers are "when" and "how".

The "when" is pretty easy. It must come relatively soon, as we are most certainly in the final days.

The "how" is the fascinating aspect of this and we may or may not be here to see this part evolve - and that is what makes watching developments in the EU so interesting.

What intrigues this prophecy watcher is the following: This individual is alive at this very moment and he is most likely forming his power structure behind the scenes - watching and waiting for his moment to appear on the scene.

Meanwhile, Jesus awaits His moment to appear to His followers and take them to "that place" that He has prepared.

So, we have two worlds being prepared for two different people:

- We have New Jerusalem, which is being prepared by Jesus - for His Bride,


- We have the earth, being prepared for the "arrival" of the antichrist.

That's quite a contrast - a contrast which is described in detail by the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5.

I believe I'll take the New Jerusalem option.



Dylan said...

Happy mothers day! As an estimate, how long do you think it'll take for this "leader" to emerge and lead the EU?

Scott said...

I have always felt that Gog-MaGog would occur before the Trib, and set the stage for the AC to arise and come up with a peace plan that would be agreed by all....Also, my feeling has always been that the ONLY way Islam would allow the Temple rebuilding effort - would be following their destruction during Gog-MaGog...

Given that - I believe we could be inside 2 years on Gog-MaGog (assuming the PSA 83 scenario comes first)

I also believe the rapture occurs before Gog-MaGog

The problem is - I have no scriptures (well, not many) to support this point of view.

Expected Imminently said...

Hello Scott

This isn’t brand new, but wondered if you had seen this?

'The EU are trying to wipe us off the map': Brussels merges England and France in new Arc Manche region... with its own FLAG

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Israel living safely in unwalled villages when Ezekiel 38 occurs? I thought this attack was after the 7 year peace treaty.

Anonymous said...

Scott-i pretty much see it like you do! its like putting together a puzzle say with a picture of a kitten. you can tell its a kitten, its put togetber except the eyes and ears. but you know the eyes and ears go in their respective spots. there is no where else for them to go! im not sure if we will be out before Gog magog hits...i think it will be close though. i kinda wonder if God is going to allow us to see ac before we are out of here.-ally

Anonymous said...

I too believe gog-magog occurs after the rapture. I think that God is dealing with Israel at that point much like He did in the OT. At that point I think His attention will be shifting to Israel on earth and the church in New Jerusalem. The way He deals with Israel's enemies in such a miraculous way makes belief in God completely by faith away. He manifests Himself in a profound way on Israel's behalf His existence is no longer a question. The atheists may not submit to Him but there will be no denying there is a God IMHO. Nothing comes to mind like that event to my knowledge that we have witnessed in the Church age


Anonymous said...

Scott >>>>

I think this is what I have been trying to tell you all along.

This EURO will collapse.

and there will be a worldwide stock
crash.....all due to TOO MUCH DEBT !!!

and out of this crisis will come
mr. 03 SEP 1971...

remember I told you about that before ??

He will be 40 soon.

and the Arabs expect the Mahdi
or 12 imam to be 40 when he takes
over the nations.

Will not be long

Stephen >>>>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Dear Dylan.....

I thought you were like 18 - 20...

you are very young.

I am 58, headed down the hill
getting old, sad to say....

you are quite young, yet you seem
to have a lot of knowledge.....

do you watch financial markets
at all and elliott wave theory ??

please tell me

Stephen >>>>>>>>>>

Scott said...

As far as the reference to "unwalled cities", I have always believed that this was in reference to Ezekiel's era "cities"...Back then all of the cities were walled.

If you contrasted the cities in Ezekiel's day to the modern day cities in Israel, today - it would be a big distinction.

Imagine an aerial view of Israel today and the same view during Ezekiel's day. In his day you would see all of the cities with big walls around them. In today's world, you have the one infamous wall, but it isn't surrounding any city, nor are any of Israel's cities walled.

I believe that could be a reference to today's world.

The relative peace and safety, IMO, could be that which occurs in the immediate aftermath of Psa 83/Isa 17.

But this is all speculation - my view included; thats why I am not dogmatic about such views.

Scott said...

I read that article - very interesting...What is your take on what this means?

Scott said...

WV - thats a good point and yet another reason I believe Gog-MaGog occurs after the Church has departed. ...You must be a dispensationalist :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Stephen- i went and checked out the elliot wave theory. i had read about it before but forget it was called that. a mathmatical formula to predict stockmarket activity. did you notice that the gold and silver markets started to drop when GEORGE SOROS got out. what a market manipulater that guy is! -ally

Anonymous said...

Stephen, do you think the gold prices will drop again? Thanks

Dylan said...

Stephen, I do watch the tsx and the value of the Canadian dollar, But other than that, no not really.

Anonymous said...

Scott yes I am a dispensationalist. I would imagine most pre-tribbers fall into this category, No?

Stepehen are you somehow hinting who you believe the AC may be? I'm not sure it is possible to know that until after the church has departed with great certainty.


Anonymous said...

To all of the above >>>>

i believe that ELLIOTT WAVE THEORY
works since it is set up to SEE
changes in SOCIAL MOOD.

Robert Prechter goes into all that on his

THIS is what I believe >>>>

This world is heading STRAIGHT into
a 1930's type depression, no question about it....there has been
WAY TOO MUCH DEBT piled up way too
long to turn back now.....its too

The debt must be dealt with.

And I believe that the DOLLAR will
RALLY big time due to that, the EURO will collapse, and Gold and Silver and Stocks will collapse.

Check out AEM, it has been dropping
for a long time....

PLEASE if any of you own GOLD or SILVER or STOCKS, please do urself
a FAVOR and SELL NOW !!!

I know cash is boring, but it is safe.....!!!

Stephen in Hawaii USA

Anonymous said...

Dear 56 >>>

I remember this person when I was
on Maui who had a prophecy re 03
SEP 1971......I am not sure who this person is.....that is the AC...but when Dr. Masadeh quit the
UFM it provided a job opening that
NEEDS to be filled.

Mr. 3 sep 1971 could be that person.

Stephen >>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Dylan, your Canadian money is beautiful with the color of the bills and the design of the loon on the coin. I have traveled to Canada on several occasions and during a vacation I took a humvee tour in the backcountry around Banff national park. It was so much fun! I also lived on an island off Vancouver Island in my early years and my fondest memories are from that period. I would love to have dual citizenship. :-)


Alice said...

Stephen, I don't understand what you're saying about May 3, 1971. Can you elaborate?

Anonymous said...

i am assuming stephen thinks its the ac's birthdat somehow?-ally

Anonymous said...

sorry to post so often. its fun to speculate about all of this, and we have been given clues to s some of the mysteries however it is very important to not get to far off track and stick to the Word of God as our gold standard. That being said, there is an entire group of Christians who are expecting the ac to rise up at the very bottom of an extreme economic dip and take credit for the return rise, much like Hitler did with Germany. They are using something called the K cycle. Stephen you might be interested in checking that out as you seem to really be facinated by economics. i am more into the Israel aspect/political end of it also every other sign like weather, earthquakes, famine, and pestilence. Financial is important too and its all linked together anyway just not my thing. Be blessed all and have a lovely day!-ally

DrNofog said...


Here we go again...

I have pointed out the differences [here] between following "world experts", traditional common sense of hard assets, "Conspiracy Theorists" who have, in fact, correctly identified and projected out the direction that the globalist's NWO "agenda" is headed, and Prophecy Watchers who search these things for what lines up with the Word.

I also hinted at asking the "question", but I really didn't want to be the one to do it, so I left it hanging...

Caver followed my opinion, concurring and adding [here]...

"...Look at history, what are the 3 most valuable and lasting of earthly assets? In the historical order of returns....
1. Farm Land
2. Gold
3. Silver..."

Elsewhere, Paula Fether replied to another of your insistences that we sell our hard assets " [here]...

DrNofog said...

"Precious metals don't "rise" and "fall"; their buying power is fairly constant...

...if you buy precious metals you lose nothing because it can always be exchanged for real products at real value..."

And somewhere else, awhile back, I mentioned there was a deliberate set-up, a heavy media drive to get the American people to "invest" in the pre-1929 stock market soz they could be stripped of their assets when the Int'l Banksters Cartel pulled the plug.


If you are right and we follow a conservative path and hang on to our "gold an' guns", all we lose is a little quick profit, nothing else!

But, if you are wrong and we follow a gamble and lose our hedge against CERTAIN INFLATION [we KNOW what "they" want to do all the world.], the coming pre-Trib collapse and "perilous times" that we know the world is headed into, that would be a disaster for the many Christians who follow this blog [and any others that you may be posting this stuff to]!!

I wouldn't want that on my conscience.

What Christian financial experts who are also prophecy watchers [to keep things in proper perspective..] can you cite, that also recommend that risk???

The Question:

Steven, I don't mean to offend if you are truly a Christian and like to take big risks, that's your business, but, with your "insistence" that we follow, I can't help but wonder... -Who do you actually work for??...

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nofog good advice IMO. Stephen you do seem to be out there on the edge a but too much for me on financial advise and the AC but I find your posts very interesting and thought provoking.

Also ally I love your posts...please keep em coming!

Hope to meet everyone soon :)

God Bless, WVBORN56

crazybear999 said...

hmm 27 EU countries. 17 in the Eurozone. Following the debt crisis Portgual Ireland & Greece, are surviving on ECB funding, Spain and Italy are surviving through bond purchasing of ECB too. Cyprus and Beligan, the writing is on the wall with unsustainable rates charged for their government debt. That is 7. The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) does that have the funds to ball out that lot, nor will Germany, Finland, Austria, Netherlands allow it. Perhaps we are now seeing, the 10 Creditor nations of Europe put the 7 debtor nations to the sword? For sure the 10 creditor nations hold the economic power in the Eurozone. Notice how only "the 10" creditor nation Finance Ministers were invited to discuss the europe credit crisis emergency summit.. hmm just a thought.

bandit said...

oh.. and barring France, the remaining 9 Creditor nations are all German satellites (Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Solvenia etc). Their economies are highly correlated to Germany their centre. It is posible that from this 10, the true Eurozone core, HE may come from.. 70% of those countries were the main core of the Holy Roman Empire ...

they have history that's for sure as they were "one" before.. and the languages are heavily inspired by German.