Just days ago, I wrote in a column that COVID doesn’t go to church:
“COVID doesn’t go to church, and yet more than a year and a half after its outbreak, people can’t get into a church in their home towns without being ‘registered’ or are held back from worship of God by other government virus ‘restrictions’. (Canada Free Press, Oct 3, 2021)
Tempus Fugit. Time flies. Today I write that COVID doesn’t go to Church because it IS the Church, the heretical one to which political pagans, baby killer advocates White House resident Joe Biden and medical celebrity Anthony Fauci are trying to lead the worshipping masses.
First the scare mongering of the coming pandemic closed down all churches—no prelates—of any religion, including the Catholic Pope did anything about it. Then the heathens moved in to squat on their altars.
When the devil began doing cartwheels, Biden and Fauci knew they had done the right thing!
These two anti-Christian public figures work 24-7 to drag believers into the “dark winter” where they flourish through the intimidation, threats and worry they spread into the every day lives of true believers.
The time they felt was RIGHT, now that the faithful were held hostage by pandemic passports and government-sanctioned Lockdowns where all that is left for them is watching Cable Television.
Only this week, the deadly duo started messaging the masses that they’ll have to avoid gathering with family and friends this Christmas.
How dare these marauding political pagans try to cancel the Birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?!
“There was the scene, for example, last fall in Idaho. Police arresting a congregation for singing hymns outdoors.
“…So, no, America has not lost its religion. It’s just replaced its religion. What’s dying is the faith that created Western civilization – Christianity. In its place is a new creed, and like all religions, it has its own sacraments, its own sacred texts. It’s the cult of coronavirus.”
Not so fast, Tucker, millions, and if you count them worldwide, billions of people hold fast to their Christian Faith.
They see straight through the propaganda of the media how dastardly are the Dems and their globalist elite masters.
Not likely that a single one of them believe what Covid High Priestess, NY governor Kathy Hochul has to say about her having replaced our Savior and His Apostles.
“NY governor claims unvaccinated Americans ‘aren’t listening to God’”
“Around her neck. She wore not a cross – that’s yesterday’s symbol – but instead a vaccination necklace. That necklace signified to the faithful gathered that Hochul is ascended to the select priesthood of those who have taken full intravenous communion. Listen to Bishop Hochul preach.” (Fox News)
“And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you. Yes, I know you’re vaccinated. You’re the smart ones. But, you know, there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God, what God wants. You know this. You know who they are. I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say we owe this to each other. We love each other. Jesus taught us to love one another. And how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, please get vaccinated because I love you. I want you to live.”
We stoically refuse to listen to her, Tucker.
“…Now, it may sound unlikely to those of you used to the older faiths, but many are joining this new church. And for $39 right now on Amazon, you, too, can buy a sterling silver necklace that declares that you have been vaccinated – literally declares it just spells out in cursive “vaccinated.” There’s no mistaking what an incredibly good person you are. Everyone will see it. (Fox News)
"You can also buy vaccination bracelets and vaccination pins and vaccination earrings, vaccination shirts, vaccination socks. It’s all right on Kathy Hochul’s church gift shop. Go there today. And while you’re shopping, be certain to pick up a Tony Fauci prayer candle. In fact, get two.” (Fox News)
“Now, for those still making the tough transition from a traditional Western religion or religion about God to this new religion, which is not about God, it’s really about you and only you and more of you. And you, you, you, you, you. You can pick up a masked nativity scene online, it looks conventional, but look closely, it features Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus, all with their faces covered as they should be, even in a manger. They’re masked just like you are. In this religion of narcissism, the holiest figures look exactly like you do. That’s the point. We’ll reach back 2,000 years and change the appearance of historical figures to look exactly like the people in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. That’s what this religion is about.
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