Sunday, October 17, 2021

Jan Markell: Harbingers

Top Bible Prophecy Stories in 2021 – Harbingers Of His Return

News with apocalyptic implications is breaking on a daily basis, so summarizing such events in a compact manner, is difficult. But, let me try. This current year has been record-setting in so many ways. Some of those ways are tragic as the Lord tries to get the world’s attention. His patience is amazing, so He then sends another series of reminders.

Here is my short list of “harbingers of His return” that we should pay attention to, and that grabbed my attention as we rush to the end of this amazing year.

America’s Decline and the Rise of the World Economic Forum

Many reading this did not think we would be the generation to see the drastic decline of America as a world leader. I’m going to be blunt here and suggest that America is not coming back, but Jesus is. The world is now preparing for global government. The advancement is stunning and diabolical. All efforts to advance it are cloaked in ‘saving the world’ rather than ‘uniting the world’. But the organization tapped to lead this effort is the World Economic Forum. Its leader, Klaus Schwab, has gathered hundreds of the global elite to carry out his satanically driven goal of a one-world government that now has global attention, thanks to the pandemic.

The Coronavirus was the crisis they couldn’t let go to waste. So was the collapse of America as a global leader. Revelation 13 outlines the coming one-world government which will be led by the Antichrist.

In a brazen manner, the World Economic Forum boasts in their slogan that mankind will own nothing and be happy. They are telling us in advance that they plan to be in control, will own our possessions, and will govern with either Socialism or Marxism. I believe they manifest prominently in the Tribulation from which the church is gone. Yet, we see them coming to prominence and recognition already.

A Fear-Based World Willing to Submit to Government Overreach

The globalists convinced the world in the last 20 months that it is worth giving up many freedoms in the name of health safety. During the Tribulation, the ‘left behind’ world will have to give up everything. Tremendous conditioning has gone on since March of 2020.

The ultimate loss of freedom will come via vaccine passports and forced vaccinations. While some would say that is only medical tyranny, they will open the door for total tyranny. We don’t know how much the Church will see of this, though we are spared from God’s wrath (Revelation 3:10).

Escalating Birth Pangs as Creation Groans

Who can watch the calamity of natural disasters today? Weather commentators have said they are escalating with greater frequency and intensity. Imagine—the world is using biblical terminology! The world has taken God out of the equation, and suggests the tragedies are man-made and the result of manmade climate change, when there are over 50 Bible references stating that God is in control of the weather.

While these will be off-the-chart in the Tribulation, we see a foretaste of them now in the Church Age, and particularly all of 2021. The world is suggesting that only a mother-earth type worship system will fix these natural calamities as they refuse to recognize them as the hand of God. They are a stunning herald of Christ’s soon return.


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