Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fauci Video From 2019 Shows HHS Plot For mRNA Vaccine:

Fauci video from 2019 shows HHS plot for mRNA Vaccine…


During the Milken Institute Future of Healthcare Summit in 2019, Fauci joined a panel moderated by New Yorker staff writer Michael Specter discussing the future of vaccine development. During the discussion, the topic shifted to the premise of a universal flu vaccine. Specter introduces the idea by stating that a the medical paradigm behind vaccines needs to be completely changed, asking “Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean, obviously we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system that we have an say ‘Oh hey, everyone in the world should get this new vaccine we haven’t given to anyone yet’ but there must be some way.”

The global restrictions were promoted by NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci. Global leaders followed his lead and implemented similar insane regulations in their countries.

Unfortunately, Fauci never had any concern for the poor and starving in America or abroad, and now we are starting to see the devastation of his decisions. 

Coronavirus restrictions are leading to the death of 10,000 children a month, 50 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to World Vision the coronavirus drove 97 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.

COVID-19 drove an additional 97 million people into extreme poverty in 2020, according to World Bank estimates. More than a year into the pandemic, the World Bank stresses that “there is still much we don’t know” concerning its impact on global poverty in 2021.

Fauci funded the Wuhan lab where COVID was produced and released. Then he prescribed the most devastating and lunatic policies in world history.

Once the pandemic is over the world will understand the absolute evil in this man’s heart.

It's now 2 weeks since Norway 🇳🇴 removed all restrictions and mask mandates and yet new Covid cases have plummeted by almost 60%.

It’s almost like lockdowns and mask mandates have no effect on the CCP Virus.

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