Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Things To Come: Thus Far, Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon: The Worst Is Yet To Come

How is one to gain and keep his freedom in a country made up of apathetic and obedient fools steeped in ignorance? This is a question for the ages, but in this twenty first century, it is a life and death struggle on the edge of darkness, where light exists only in the distance, and only in the minds of the very few. The reality of this dilemma is a story about survival, so should those that understand the dire situation we face, those that have the courage to fight for their own liberty; abandon the rest of society in favor of pursuing truth and freedom without being surrounded by the chains of weakness and submission that consume most of the masses? We are currently living in an irresponsible insanity, so should the societal cord be cut? Is that the only way to escape the collective mob mentality

Since we are in the midst of what is referred to as a “Great Reset” of society, and the push for global governance, transhumanism, and a new technocratic ‘elite’ controlling system are being sought, it is brutally obvious that more lies, deceit, false flag events, threats, and liberty destruction will be forthcoming. But this time, the final push toward a totalitarian state is upon us, and an all-out assault on society seems imminent. With most of the population still going along with these scams, still obeying every order, and still unable to muster any courage to protect their own lives and families, what then are those of us that are informed and willing to defy ‘authority’ to do?

What is actually coming in my opinion will be a combination of extreme propaganda, fear-mongering, false flag attacks, fake ‘virus’ attacks, a deadly flu season due to ‘vaccination,’ more ‘vaccine’ mandates, and power and water grid shutdowns, creating an environment to allow for full or partial martial law. This will set the stage to reinstate lockdowns, quarantines, and isolation, to advance bogus ‘climate change’ agendas, and to create a regulatory climate so restrictive as to mirror that of a total dictatorial state.

First and foremost, the ‘variant’ threat will be easily advanced because many more will likely die this fall and winter than last due to widespread immune system failures because of the stress of the lockdowns and isolation, and the millions of poisonous injections that have already been administered. Excess deaths, actually most all deaths, will still be blamed on a ‘virus’ or ‘variant’ that does not exist, and this tactic will allow the purposeful spreading of extreme fear.

With more death and sickness, new and more severe lockdowns will be attempted, and very restrictive measures will be forthcoming. This plot will be enhanced due to planned cyber attacks that are ‘expected’ to shut down power and water grids across the nation. These so-called attacks will certainly be false flag terror against the masses, and could easily cause civil unrest, violence, and extreme aggression by the state in response to any dissent. These cyber attacks have been acted out for years, but simulations have been greatly intensified this year.

As the year progresses, more division will occur in an us versus them situation, pitting those ‘vaccinated’ against those unvaccinated. This will probably become a very contentious situation, and could easily lead to even more hostile confrontation among this population, causing an extremely tense atmosphere. At some point, the governing criminals will come after all those not willing to be injected, and will make living very difficult for all of us attempting to protect our own body, minds, and freedom. This could become a very dangerous country in a short amount of time for people demanding freedom.

Don’t forget about the fictitious manmade ‘climate change’ agenda, as it looks like the drive toward radical policy decisions based on climate are already in the works. This is very troubling, as it adds another dangerous level of tyranny to a society already consumed by dictatorial madness. It could easily be used to force more quarantines, travel bans, and allocation of utility services, that are all virtually controlled by this government and its partners. What comes with this agenda is mass restriction of life-giving water and power, the decimation of food production and distribution, supply line shutdowns, and unstoppable runaway inflation, especially concerning the most vital needs of this citizenry. When food becomes so scarce that many are starving, total chaos will ensue.

All these things spoken about here are just the tip of the iceberg. There will be much more pressure to mandate immunity passports, and surveillance of everyone will dramatically increase. Much of the general population will become enforcers for the state, and will monitor and report their neighbors in order to gain favor. It seems logical as well, that social scoring will become a distinct possibility, in order to add another layer of control to this society. Markets will eventually collapse, and what little savings are left will be depleted. As all this happens, the dollar will likely be replaced over time with digital currency so that each and every transaction can be monitored and scrutinized. This is the “Great Reset,” after all, and all the warning signs have been evident for many years, but blind indifference and voluntary obedience have led to the possible end of humanity as it has ever been perceived.

In my estimation, there will soon be violence in the streets; which could lead to medical and martial law. The more that refuse to accept this totalitarian domination, the better, as time has run out, but if a very large number of excess deaths occur this fall and winter as I expect, the wheels of tyranny will turn faster and faster in an attempt to finish this long-planned coup to capture and control the bodies and minds of humanity. At that point, we will have already lost, especially those living in the highest population areas such as cities.

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