Sunday, March 21, 2021

Will Vaccinations Become Mandatory?

Is the federal government going to make vaccinations mandatory?

"Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded." —Friedrich von Hayek 

There are four vaccines available, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and now the one by Johnson & Johnson. Only the J & J vaccine is not an mRNA gene manipulator. No one knows what the long-term effects or consequences of these new vaccines might be. They pretend they do but they do not. No one does.

What will be the effects when a new and different virus comes along? How do they affect our immune system? No one really knows. Are they a medical miracle? Maybe, but while many doctors and scientists sing praises for these mRNA vaccinesnumerous doctors and scientists have expressed dire warnings about potential repercussions down the line so it is understandable that millions of Americans who have availed themselves of the probably thousands of articles and video discussions about these vaccines have reservations. Frank Luntz conducted a virtual focus group of Trump supporters. They all have contempt for Fauci, an obvious charlatan, and were all suspicious of the vaccine, perhaps for good reason. Perhaps we should follow the money.

What will be the effects when a new and different virus comes along? How do they affect our immune system? No one really knows. Are they a medical miracle? Maybe, but while many doctors and scientists sing praises for these mRNA vaccinesnumerous doctors and scientists have expressed dire warnings about potential repercussions down the line so it is understandable that millions of Americans who have availed themselves of the probably thousands of articles and video discussions about these vaccines have reservations

It seems the military is now coercing enlisted personnel to submit to the vaccines against their own judgment. This is coming way too close to mandatory vaccination. The talk of "vaccine passports" is akin to Hitler's "executive order" that all the Jews of Germany wear the yellow star on their sleeves. So far the only voice of reason is Ron DeSantis who has vowed to prosecute any business that mandates their employees be vaccinated to keep their jobs.

Will other Republican governors, senators and members of the House follow suit? We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus in the clouds...Amen