Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Perfect Timing:

His Timing Is Perfect

 Dennis Huebshman

There are people today, including myself, that wonder why we’re still here. After all, Jesus, Paul, James, John, Peter and other prophets gave us signs to look for, and every one of them, except for the Rapture and the appearance of the antichrist, are here right now. (all emphasis mine)

The Ezekiel coalition has been formed for the first time in history, and God has made sure that Russia, Iran and Turkey are in desperate need of resources to survive. 

Then, there sits tiny Israel with all those natural gas and oil reserves, and they appear ripe for the picking. The “big three”, and some lesser nations that will join them, are having the “hook” set, just as God said it would be. 

Ezekiel 38:4; “And I will put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen; all of them clothed in full armor; a great host; all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords.”

This will be the attack on Israel by what would appear to be overwhelming forces, that under normal circumstances, would be able to wipe Israel out in no time at all. However, the Heavenly Father has other plans, and when the dust settles, it will be obvious that He, not Israel, defeated the masses that attacked them Ezekiel 39 describes the destruction, and at the end of the conflict, all Israel will know that the Lord God Jehovah protected them. The tribulation will still take place, and before it’s over the Jews will be severely persecuted. However, the surviving remnant will enter the Millennial reign under the guidance of Jesus Himself.

Sadly, even with Jesus on the throne at Jerusalem, there will still be those who will turn away from Him during that 1000 years. The final conflict will take place at the end, and Jesus will put it down with just a word from His mouth.

Matthew 24:43-44 and Luke 12:39-40 say that if the homeowner knew what day and hour the thief was coming, he would have been ready at that time. Jesus went on to say that we need to be ready for the “Son of Man” to come at an hour we do not expect. Human nature being as it is, if we knew for certain the moment that we would die, or the moment the rapture was to take place, many would wait right up to the last hour to call out to be saved. This is why it’s obvious that Jesus said we must be ready; right now.

The event of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 is just about here right now. It could be any second. This would be the Father keeping His promise to prevent all true believers in His Son from going through the Wrath/Tribulation. Once it starts, the events that will take place will be more terrible than has ever been on this earth. Your eternity – your choice.


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