Monday, March 8, 2021

Is A False Flag Event Coming?

What Will Be the Number One False Flag Event?

Dave Hodges 

What will be the number one false flag in America? As this article will point out, it will have to be one in which there is the excuse to put foreign troops, acting as humanitarian peacekeepers on American soil. Millions will be needed in order to do what really must be done which is to seize the guns.

I cannot have a conversation with a like-minded colleague in the alt media today without the subject of a false flag attack coming up. We all feel it is coming.The Democrats may have stolen the election, and the election process, thus, preventing any free and fair election process in the future. However, they still lack manpower and resources needed to seize the guns which is a necessary precondition to the takeover. Food can certainly be used as a weapon and that is in abundant evidence, by the following:

1. Biden's new capital gains tax on farms which will prevent most from being passed through family lines. 

2. Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farm land. 

3. Purposeful driving up of inflation which greatly impacts food vulnerability. 

Because of these reasons, many of my colleagues feel that food as a weapon will be the choice of the globalists but I feel that there must be a major, or several accompanying events in order to result in complete regime change. I sat down and constructed my own list of risk factors and arrived at a different number choice for the preferred false flag attack. 

In no particular order, here is a partial list of the monumental challenges faced by America:

Allowing Chinese, which will one day serve the role UN Peacekeepers on American soil, when a false flag attack of Bibilical proportions is unleashed. I believe that this factor, combined with a real event(s) will serve as a catalyst to place CHICOMS on American soil and give them access to controlling food, medicine, and enough troops to door to door to seize guns and begin committing genocide. However, the mission would have to begin as a humanitarian mission. Therefore, this mission would have to be combined with a series of a massive false flag attacks. 

Antifa as a paramilitary as supplied and supported by China and bolstered by cartel interests entering the country at an alarming rate thanks to Biden's open border policies. Whatever false flag attack would be used, supportive paramilitary troops will be needed to be used as assassins (MS-13) and terrorists (Antifa and the cartels). However, unto themselves, this necessary component will only be ancillary to the main goal of a massive false flag(s) designed to cripple America and place CHICOM/UN troops on America soil under the banner of humanitarian reasons. 

Taking over America, because it is so massive, will need the complicit support of insiders

I believe that the major false flag that will take place will be so massive, that its effectiveness will be enhanced by a series of smaller false flag efforts each designed to weaken America, bit by bit, before the major blow. For example, we will see massive food shortages due to food inflation which is already underway. We will power blackouts and the weakening of the grid. The Covid lockdowns have sufficiently weakened the America's ability to stand up to foreign intervention under the banner of the US as America is already under a form of martial law. The economy is in free fall and the majority of the people have submitted to a stolen election and the most devastating attack upon America in her history. And we cannot totally discount something like Ebola, but that ususally burns out.

There is a potential event which could so weaken America, invite foreign intervention under the guise of humanitarian aid, that America would go from sovereign to occupied overnight. And that even is the Oroville Dam. The Oroville Dam is still in grave danger as Paul Preston covered on my show last night. The rain runoff can no longer be handled by the spillway because it is not operable. A failed dam threatens 2.5 million people, a collapse will wipe out the world's largest vegetable crop and second largest rice crop in the world, thus, producing famine conditions.

My number one choice is the collapse of the Oroville Dam as a false flag event mainly because we'd have blue helmets running through our country distributing food. However, as we have all seen before, getting food will come with a price and that would be your gun. And some people who show up to the food distribution centers (ie food camps) will never leave with food, they will have arrived at their final place of fate because of who they are and the threat that they pose. You don't think this will happen? Then may I suggest that you use the  search engine on this site and look up Operation Mountain Guardian (Denver 2011). New York and Giants stadium had a similiar drill that year as well.  This was rehearsed and many of us covered this!!! 

What can we do? Pray, pray, pray and prep. These are beginning of the end days my brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, we know allowing those impostors to stay in office can lead to this, yet are to sit and wait? Trump obviously, thus far as is known, did not enact an Insurrection Act to arrest them Militarily, we see our Impostor's henchmen DON'T get arrested either or bailed out, right?

Of course, those good folks voicing concerns against our Constitutional Laws being violated CAN be considered threatening? Stupid is as stupid does. So why would American's NOT rid (legally), ourselves of criminal traitor's within? Brilliant ideas as to somehow circumventing their claim to power, and avoiding such Evil, in my opinion, can take place, right???? States secede, populace set up a new Government for the people ran by intelligent God loving folks, ignore our impostors? Or, Civil War in our 21st Century, how this looks, don't know, but should be done before any scenario for food rationing, kicked in extreme survivalist instincts, and guns attempted to be illegally removed, in my opinion! Just like reflexes, American's do seem subdued, many are still waiting on Trump so American's can have our system work, and not risk American's compromised when Military SHOULD rise to the occasion, in my opinion! Don't know answers. Courts were so disappointing, oddly so IMO!

Perhaps the answer will come in ways we can't even imagine? Better watch "Red Dawn" again. Seriously, Trump fantasy gone, plan B? Military to ally with Israel though for Iran concern, must indicate, this was not Biden doing this, IMO. Who is actually in charge of our Military, need Article addressing this optic's would be interesting, IMO! Naturally pray, if reputed possibilities are in the works, God needs to send Warrior's galore, both human angels here on Earth, and Angels from above. David slayed Goliath, so American's could knock our impostors off their perches, figuratively speaking of course, right? Feels like America is being auditioning for a "Horror Movie"!!

We need not act so helpless, wimpy, waiting on Trump stopped great minds from brainstorming! Back to the drawing broad for counter-ideas, and IMO, something good is brewing, be optimistic! We are dealing with evil yes, but
evil greedy, controlling vessels, that are probably not going to last much longer, old age gets everyone, right?