Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Good News And Things To Come: The Bridegroom Cometh

The Very Best News!


Those who read this blog are well aware of things going on for the most part, and it’s not from watching mainstream news. Those sources generally paint a picture of complete control over any potential dangers that exist somewhere in the future.

There is little chance that this obfuscation of and dearth of truth will change. Alternate sources of news that would tell things as they really are continue to be systematically shut down. We watch almost hourly while websites dedicated to getting real news to the public are demonetized and even deplatformed for the most trivial reasons. And the media tyrants doing the shutting down won’t answer the whys of such shutdowns. They consider themselves above the fray. The reason for their arrogant assurance of their ability to act in such tyrannical ways is that the new governmental “watchdogs” are in cahoots with them in wishing to suppress any and all pushback or resistance to their agenda.

And that agenda is proceeding at a phenomenal pace. Some wonder if there will not be total socialism—even communist-style, governmental tyranny—in our nation by the end of 2021.

 The war against American liberty coalesces from somewhere that can’t be determined by those without spiritual knowledge. Those assaults are formed by the powers and principalities in high places of wickedness we read about in Ephesians 6:12.

And this is why it is imperative that the pastors in the pulpits of America make their born-again flocks know what we face. The times are getting dark and are destined, according to Bible prophecy, to grow much, much darker.

The Apostle Paul wrote that “evil men and seducers will grow ever worse, deceiving and being deceived.” The Lord Himself foretold that deception and wickedness would be signs of His return to earth to put an end to the incorrigible rebellion of earth dwellers.

The Bible prophesies that the times will be like they were during the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Can there be any doubt we’re already at that point?

As we observe the gathering darkness, we know that the Tribulation—that last seven years of hell on earth when Satan’s evil will permeate this dying, decaying, world—approaches. Therefore, the light resident within the Church will be removed by Christ Himself, as He calls His Bride to Himself and out of harm’s way (Revelation 3:10).

So, in looking at all the evil gathering—which we can see, but the unsaved world cannot—that moment of rescue must be very near indeed.

Soon, perhaps today, we will suddenly and gloriously stand in some splendid, eternal setting. 

By Col. Tim Moore

Can you remember anticipating Christmas as a child? I remember looking forward to all the joys of the season with eager expectation. On Christmas Eve my brother and I could hardly sleep.

I still am one to look forward to the next family gathering or special occasion. I get excited anticipating future blessings — although I’ve learned better how to appreciate the moment I’m in too. You may also be looking forward to significant life events, like the birth or marriage of a child or grandchild, a new job, a move or a getaway vacation. But have you ever wondered what Jesus is looking forward to?

We know that He has eternal fellowship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit and is in need of nothing. Yet, I am convinced that He is eagerly anticipating an event that will soon come to pass.

Throughout Israel, but in Galilee in particular, a wedding was a singularly important event. A man would select a young woman to propose a covenant of marriage. She was under no compulsion and could accept or deny that proposal. If she accepted, she would drink from a cup of wine offered by the betrothed bridegroom. This action on her part sealed the marriage covenant, but the marriage had to await consummation.

The groom would return to his father’s house to begin enlarging the structure to accommodate his new bride and their eventual family. The bride would return to her own home to await the day when she would be gathered to the groom — being careful to maintain her purity and her preparedness. Joseph and Mary were in this stage when Mary was found to be with child, which is why her unexpected pregnancy would have been so scandalous.

As eager as the two young people would have been to be together, they had no control over the timing of their eventual unity. The groom’s father was the sole decider authorized to declare the time was right. That could have been based on the son’s progress in making preparations, his discernment that separation would make the hearts grow fonder or any number of considerations. But at a moment determined by him alone, the father would tell the son, “Go and get your bride.”

The Bridegroom Cometh

The son would blow a shofar — alerting the entire town (and his bride) that he was on his way to collect her. His groomsmen would accompany him, and the bride would eagerly await his arrival. When the groom finally arrived at the bride’s home, she would be swept away — literally carried aloft by the groomsmen back to the groom’s home and the place he had prepared for her. This was called “flying the bride.”

Of course, the attendants and family and friends would be welcomed into the groom’s home to celebrate in a marvelous wedding feast. And, the bride and groom — who had loved and longed for each other for many weeks or months — would finally consummate their marriage.

Jesus knew that His listeners would understand the inherent joy in a Jewish wedding. Every man who had been a groom and every woman who had been a bride recognized the significance of that joyous moment. And every young maiden who had served as another bride’s attendant discerned the importance of being ready to join the procession.

Teachers of Bible prophecy have long recognized the symbolism in Jesus’ reference to the Jewish wedding in His teachings. He is the Bridegroom who has proposed a covenant relationship. His bride is the Church — those who have accepted His proposal and are betrothed to Him. From the moment that covenant is made, our Groom is committed to us — and we are set apart (made holy) for Him by Him (Revelation 19:7-8). But, just like a Jewish groom, Jesus has returned to His Father’s house to prepare a place for us (John 14:1-4).

At some point in human history, God the Father will say to the Son, “Go, and get your Bride.” When He does, Jesus will not tarry any longer. He will gather the angels of Heaven as His attendants and emerge from Heaven to collect His Bride. The dead in Christ (Church-Age saints who have already passed) will rise from the grave to meet Him in the air. And then we who are alive will also be caught up — changed in the twinkling of an eye — to join them. All who are in the Church will fly away to the Father’s house to be unified with Christ. As the Bible says, “and so we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4: 6-17).

After a period of judgment of our works to determine special rewards, we will celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, rejoicing over our union with our Bridegroom. Meanwhile, those left behind on earth will find that lawlessness multiplies exponentially during the Tribulation after the Church is removed.

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