Thursday, February 18, 2021

Things To Come: Worship Of The State vs Christianity

Western Civilization is imploding: Now is the time for all good men to make their stand

Have you ever wondered why so few Christians seem willing to take a stand against the globalized tyranny that’s bearing down on our country, allowing it to take over their lives a little at a time?

We know that prayer and the Bible were banned from public schools in 1965, the right to murder one’s offspring was declared legal in 1973, and in 2015 the right of two people of the same sex to marry was likewise discovered to be hiding in the bowels of our Constitution.

In the 1990s, the cancel culture overtook college campuses, and quickly spread to the corporate world. Before long, there was a list of things you couldn’t say, people you couldn’t criticize, and now in 2021 there’s an ex-president you’re not allowed to support. 

Violators of these cultural codes are publicly denounced in the media, simply for espousing views that for centuries had been considered mainstream.

Bye-bye First Amendment.

Now the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case, affirmed by lower courts, which would allow police to enter your home and confiscate firearms without a search warrant. This could be done on the flimsiest of excuses, based on their role as “community caretaker.” Isn’t that special?

Bye-bye Second Amendment.

Now we have a president who owes his political existence to the most powerful communist regime in the world, the CCP, and he equates his political opponents to domestic terrorists.

Bye-bye Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments.

How did we come to this point in the world’s oldest constitutional republic, the home of the free and land of the brave?

It turns out slogans on our coinage and our venerable Constitution with its amazing Bill of Rights were not enough to protect us from totalitarianism.

As G.K. Chesterton said, learning history is the only thing that keeps us from becoming slaves to the spirit of the age. 

As I look out across the bow of today’s Western culture, I see a lot of slaves.

Their minds are infected with the twin viruses of collectivism and statism. Put another way, their religion is secular humanism and they worship the almighty state.

Many of them have been reduced to walking around in masks, for no other reason than a certain government-sanctioned scientist told them to do so. He didn’t even need to present any scientific proof that masks work. He said it and they obey.

Like women living under Islam, our American men are now afraid to show their faces in public.

Whenever I enter my local grocery store I see 98 percent compliance with mask rules, and it’s hard not to notice that the majority of the 2 percent of brave souls are women. I can’t help but think perhaps these are the few women who have studied Islamic culture and see the real reason for the face-coverings – to deny us our individuality and therefore our humanity. It’s a sign of submission to our new masters.

But how did the men of America become so docile? So weak? So controllable?

It’s not their pastor or priest who they listen to in making decisions as to what they will wear, what they will think and what they will publicly espouse. No, it is the secular state!

Because they lack a spiritual grounding, most men cannot even see what is happening to America, let alone feel confident to resist it.

In their defense, the transition to a totalitarian society has been so gradual that it’s difficult for them to see and grasp, especially if they have not studied the history of totalitarian movements in other countries like Germany, China and Russia.

We can go one of two ways in America. We can take the events of the last year as an eye-opening lesson, realize the error of our ways and return to God. Or, we can double down on nihilistic materialism and make whatever compromises are necessary to stay in the good graces of our secular-humanist commissars, who think they can rule over us and keep us in our place through naked intimidation.

Maybe that’s why God allowed political power in America to be usurped by a godless, power-hungry, illegitimate administration. Maybe we needed to be jolted back into taking our lives more seriously than just saving up for that next material toy and whittling away our free time watching overgrown men throw leather balls, bounce leather balls, run with and catch leather balls.

While the materialistic lifestyle many Americans have been caught up in may have been comfortable in normal times, many now find themselves feeling anxious, tormented by personal conflict. They will be looking, perhaps for the first time in their lives, for that rudder that can grant them peace in the midst of chaos.

They were taught from the time they were boys and girls that following the law, being tolerant of others and earning an honest living was all that was expected of them.

But now, suddenly, that’s not enough.


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