Saturday, February 27, 2021

The U.S. War Machine Back In Gear:

First Syria, now Ukraine: NATO Mortars being fired at CIVILIANS in Ukraine; Troops and armor moving by train toward Russia Border
H. Turner

Just one day after (illegitimate) U.S. President Joe Biden resumed air strikes against Syria, we are receiving information that war trouble is brewing again in eastern Ukraine. 

NATO MORTARS are being fired against civilians in Luhansk, Ukraine only this time, Russia is moving marked Russian military radar into the area.  No more unmarked "little green men" now it's open Russian army.  Direct war with Russia looms - again, thanks to the Biden corrupt presidency.

First, a little background.  Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union.  Back in the 1950's then Soviet Chairman Kruschev "gave" the land area peninsula called "Crimea" to Ukraine.  For at least 300 years prior to that moment, it was, throughout ALL of recorded history, known as "Russian Crimea."

The people who live there, speak Russian.  Their family histories are Russian. In 1950-something, Kruschev "gave it" away to Ukraine.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH! The Jesus in the clouds moment so close.