Thursday, February 11, 2021

Israeli Air Force Conducts Rare Daylight Strike On Iranian Military Shipment In Syria

Rare daylight air strike on military shipment from Iraq to Syria – report

Iraqi media outlets claimed that the Israeli air force had struck a military shipment from Iran to Syria via Iraq on Thursday morning. Outlets affiliated with Iraqi Shiite militias said unidentified aircraft had targeted a vehicle carrying “logistical equipment” of an Iraqi militia group after it had transited the border into Syria near the Al Qaim crossing. The rarity of purported Israeli attacks by daylight indicated that the target was high value. The Step News Agency cited a security source as saying that the “international coalition” was behind the attack. 

The passageway between Iraq and Syria near the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal has been habitually used to deliver arms to pro-Iranian militias. Large blasts were heard later but, other than damage to equipment, no casualties or injuries were immediately reported.

The shipment appears to have contained components for imparting precision capabilities to Hizballah rockets, according to Israeli military sources.

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