Monday, February 15, 2021

'Deprogramming' Talk Is Giving Refugees From Communism Flashbacks

Talk of 'Deprogramming' is Giving Refugees from Communism 'Flashbacks'

An attorney for PBS was caught on camera by Project Veritas saying the children of Trump supporters should be taken away from their parents and put in reeducation camps.

He was later fired, but voices in the media are still calling for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post said on MSNBC, "There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed."

Journalist Katie Couric said on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, "The question is: how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?"

Trump supporters are also being called mentally ill and are being censored, doxed, de-platformed, backlisted, or demonetized.

Disturbing Parallels to Communist Dictatorships

It's giving some who have lived in communist countries, flashbacks.

For those who lived under communist dictatorships, what's happening in America has disturbing parallels.

Chinese Pastor Bob Fu of China Aid was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989. He was also a proud attendee of the January 6th Trump rally on the National Mall. 

Fu says the call for "re-education" and "deprogramming" for Trump supporters is straight out of the Chinese communist party playbook. 

"Absolutely," was Fu's response when asked about the similarities, "These kinds of tactics, they all require forced conformity and if you don't comply, then you will be punished. They want to make every American conform one way of ideology and a one way of thinking."

Elizabeth Rogliani's family had to flee Venezuela when Hugo Chavez took power. She made a video warning last year about the similarities between the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioting in America and what happened in Venezuela, that went viral. She told her Instagram followers, "I have already lived through this thing when I was living in Venezuela."

Rogliani says the labeling of Trump supporters as potential domestic terrorists was a tactic Hugo Chavez used to stigmatize his political opposition.

"This calling out the opposition or Republicans as terrorist or fascist, that is the kind of language I saw a lot," Rogliani said, "The late president Hugo Chavez used to call us fascist and terrorist as well."

Rogliani believes one ominous sign for America has been all the conservatives flocking to more secure messaging platforms like Telegram because that is exactly what happened in Venezuela when the democratic opposition was de-platformed and opposition leaders began to be arrested. 

"We jumped into Telegram really early on," Rogliani said, "So I find that very interesting how it's happening so fast here."

Jason Poblete's grandfather had to flee Cuba when Fidel Castro took power. Poblete, an attorney who has worked in Congress and now heads the Global Liberty Alliance, says what happened in Cuba is replaying in the United States.

"It's painful to watch," Poblete told us, "It's not something that I ever thought I would see in the United States. In Cuba, the communists and the socialist facilitators had been laying the groundwork. And by the time Fidel Castro rolled in, they had already laid that framework in place to take the government over."

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