Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Government Separated From The People

A government separated from the people cannot stand

The federal government has become such a system, an entity unto itself operating outside of Constitutional constraints and unaccountable to the American people.

The United States is now controlled by a Democratic and Republican ruling class that transcends government and sees itself as distinct from the rest of society and as the only element that may act on its behalf.The ruling class considers those who resist it as having no moral or intellectual right, and, only reluctantly, any civil right to do so.

Power rests, not with the citizens, but with a relatively small group of politicians and financiers, who enhance their personal wealth and privilege by looting the country through a self-serving legislative process. They maintain their authority by adjusting the levers of government and using the establishment media to manipulate public perception and opinion.

Republican leaders neither contest that view nor oppose their Democrat counterparts because they do not want to challenge the ruling class, they want to join it. The GOP leadership has gradually solidified its choice to no longer represent what had been its constituency, but to adopt the identity of junior partners in the ruling class.

There is now a sharp division between the bipartisan ruling class and the rest of the American populace, who are considered retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly controlled by the dictates of central authority.

When blatant and outrageous lies are no longer sufficient to soothe the electorate into complacency, such a government must begin to curtail freedom and oppress the people in order to remain in power.

The present political environment, that is, the separation between the rulers and the ruled, bears comparison to the events leading up to the American Revolution.

The efficiency and effectiveness of government are directly dependent upon the trustworthiness of government officials as representatives and executors of the views and desires of the people.

In other words, whenever the interests of government officials divert from or are in conflict with those of the people, tyranny ensues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo!! Well articulated Article for an assessment to where our Government and the people are right now in 2021, in my opinion! Naturally therefore, change is imperative, and how this looks is yet to be played out!

Rest assured, it will be dealt with as History as shown us, in my opinion. A process took place to bring us to this unfortunate reality, and a process will take place to balance the beams moving forward, pray it's done in a way that leaves American's proud of their accomplishment!