US Air Force B-1B bombers flew over South Korean airspace along with South Korean and Japanese aircraft Thursday, ahead of US President Donald Trump's trip to East Asia.
"The frenzied US scheme of threats and blackmail, which aims to crush our republic with nuclear [weapons], continues in November as it did in October," the Korea Central News Agency reported November 3, announcing the exercise.
The US Air Force confirmed the flyby but insisted the practice bombing mission was part of routine operations and was not in response to any particular event. "The bilateral continuous bomber presence mission was planned in advance," a USAF statement issued Thursday reads, "and was not in response to any current event." More details were offered later by Air Force spokeswoman Captain Victoria Hight, who said the bombers had flown over South Korea's Pilsung Range, an air force training range used by the US and South Korea.
The B-1B bombers are, it should be noted, not armed with nuclear weapons and cannot be armed with nuclear weapons. "Every year, 10 Russian officials travel to either the Ellsworth or Dyess global strike air bases in the United States to review the fastest bomber in the Air Force's arsenal: the B-1B Lancer," reported in July. This is done to ensure compliance with the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, "which specifies the once-nuclear bomber remains disarmed of nukes."
A full-page advertisement in the New York Times promoting insurrection this Saturday, November 4 states “This Nightmare Must End: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO!”
“Nov. 4 It Begins,” the ad continues. “Join with the thousands who will gather in cities and towns across the country. A movement of protests that continue every day and night, growing until we become millions… determined now to stop until this regime is driven from power.” is where the advertisement directs fellow Communists and Fascists “To Find a Protest Near You.”
As we have pointed out before, the website promotes planned riots and insurrection disguised as “protests” in Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Austin, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Omaha, and other cities.
Notice they are not showing up in the South except in Atlanta because they know they will get zero support, and probably a ton of opposition. That's because they are cowards and their cowardice is expressed in the fact that they won't show their faces in most cases.
We've previously reported on the November 4 insurrections planned around the country. In September, I warned you that this was coming.
According to, the Soros and Hillary Clinton-funded Communists will be taking "To The Streets And Public Squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met."
Though they claim "in the name of humanity" to "refuse to accept a fascist America," they are all to eager to impose a Marxist one.
They refer to the "Trump/Pence regime" as a "nightmare" that "must end" and "must go."
And what makes these people think that Trump/Pence are such a nightmare? Is it because they are against the Constitution? Is it because they are for stopping free speech? Are they eager to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms? Nope, none of that.
They believe they are a nightmare for the following reasons:
- Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.
- Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.
- Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.
- Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.
- LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.
- Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.
- People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.
- The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.
- The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.
- A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.
Here's the ad ran in NYT.

Can you imagine the outrage if a Christian organization wanted to promote a rally to abolish abortion in the NYT? I'm sure they would be promptly turned down.
Yet, here is a media rag that is state-controlled, and we know they are state controlled, offering advertisement for a group that has ties to known Communists, Fascists and Islamists.
The New American adds:
“In the name of humanity”? The Revolutionary Communist Party/Refuse Fascism fanatics still believe that Mao was fully justified in murdering tens of millions of Chinese and torturing, imprisoning, and enslaving hundreds of millions more. The RCP/Refuse Fascism cadres form a major component of the masked, black-clad Antifa thugs who have been rioting and causing mayhem throughout America for the past year.
It’s no secret that the New York Times has been pro-communist for over a century. From covering up Stalin’s genocide of millions of Ukrainians to helping make Fidel Castro the dictator of Cuba, to glorifying Mao Zedong, to romanticizing communist Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers — and much, much more, the Times has been foremost among media organizations promoting communism worldwide. In fact, this year, in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Times has run an appalling series of articles under the heading “Red Century” that wistfully pine for the romantic era of the gulag and the Lubyanka.
This is not the first time that the Times has aided the RCP/Refuse Fascism communists by running an ad for their subversive operations. As we reported in January, the Times ran a similar full-page ad for RCP/Refuse Fascism to gin up support for the mayhem that was unleashed on President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.
While both experts on the movement and activists within it emphasize that not everyone who participates in anti-fascist activism engages in violence, they say the use of force is intrinsic to their political philosophy.
Antifa is not about free speech nor is it about being anti-fascist. It's about totalitarianism and Communism. It knows nothing of freedom, but rather slavery. It must be opposed.
The violent left wing revolutionaries who identify themselves as AntiFa are announcing to the world that they plan on staging a major attack on American democracy beginning Saturday, November 4th.
These brutish thugs have attempted to terrorize the American people since last year’s presidential campaign. They staged violent protests at many Trump campaign events. In Chicago one event had to be cancelledbecause the police could not guarantee Mr. Trump’s safety. If you noticed, none of Hillary’s campaign events were attacked by the supporters of Mr. Trump or the AntiFa bully boys.
At their philosophical home, Berkeley they routinely strive to deny free speech using violence and confrontation to silence anyone who disagrees with their collectivist vision of Amerika. Spreading in concentric circles of hate, the AntiFathugs routinely attempt to squash free speech on campuses across the country.
Now damning new evidence is being presented by veteran newsman Edward Klein, who is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine in his new book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.
In this book Mr. Klein presents convincing evidence that the AntiFa domestic terrorists have held meeting with representatives of both ISIS and Al Qaeda. He also reveals that members of the leftwing hate group have traveled to Syria for training.
The author quotes an FBI report that stated, “There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups.”
The FBI report continued, “(The) Task force covered G20 meeting in Hamburg, studied intel from local authorities, Interpol, and other assets, determined that as assumed U.S.-backed anarchist/radical groups had traveled to Germany and took place in the violence ... There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS. There is an urgent need to closely surveil the identified individuals.”
The FBI report is chilling. It outlines the growth of a cancer on the body politic of our Republic not seen since the heyday of the KKK, another organization linked to the Democrat Party.
“Now that the bureau has determined they have followers in the radical U.S. resistance movement in the United States, it is clear there will be additional violence in the attacks on law enforcement and U.S. institutions, including banks.
The growth and anti-American nature of the AntiFa movement is aided, abetted, and covered up by the Corporations Once Known As the Mainstream Media.
Your country is being set up for a revolution
Many Democrat voters in America have no idea that these elements of their party are entering into treasonous relationships with America’s enemies during a time of war. They have no idea that their votes which prop-up the reigns of perpetually re-elected hacks such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Maxine Waters encourage and support the Resist 45 Movement which is the cover for these domestic terrorists.
They have no idea though the information is readily available with just the click of a mouse. They have no idea that the AntiFa Blackshirts and their hate depend upon the support of useful idiots to give them the rope they will use to hang them.
Turn the game off and tune in. Your country is being set up for a revolution. Don’t let a vocal violent minority working with foreign enemies pull the wool over your eyes. If they were the legitimate loyal opposition they wouldn’t be wearing ski masks and conspiring with ISIS and Al Qaeda to over throw the President of the United States.
Following the March Revolution, in November 1917 Russia got the world’s first communist government. Lead by Lenin, communists took over the vital city of St Petrograd and removed the Provisional Government from power.
Lenin had already proved himself to the workers of the city with his slogans “Peace, bread and land” and “All power to the soviets”. His middle class background was not held against him as he had been in prison for his beliefs and he was seen by the workers as the man to lead them.
Lenin had already decided that the workers were incapable of leading themselves as they did not have the necessary skills. He and other trained revolutionaries would do it.
Lenin promised the people of Russia a number of things. The first was that he would pull Russia out of the war. This proved extremely popular especially among soldiers. Secondly he promised land to the peasants. This was also popular as the Provisional Government had refused to do this. Third, he promised that the workers and soviets would control the factories. With these three promises, it is not surprising that support for Lenin grew at a great speed.
Members of “antifa” suddenly are everywhere.
From shutting down conservative speakers on campus to organizing nationwide protests to “drive out the Trump/Pence regime,” the masked and violent black-clad extremists are constantly in the headlines.
However, as a special report from WND makes clear, “antifa,” or “anti-fascists,” have been around since the aftermath of World War I. And a new documentary from Trevor Loudon and the Capital Research Center shows American conservatives are becoming increasingly aware of the threat from the far left.
Loudon is best known as a dedicated investigator of the far left, having spoken before hundreds of audiences and served as the narrator of the explosive film “The Enemies Within.” But Loudon says he became increasingly concerned about the rise of “antifa,” and he exposes the group’s origins, goals and tactics in the new Capital Research Center film “America Under Siege.”
“My mission is to expose the influence of radical and terrorist groups in the mainstream political parties, academia, media and the culture,” Loudon explains in the film. “In my recent travels, I’ve come across two phrases more and more often: ‘antifa’ and ‘civil war.'”
“Numerous reports, from victims and media alike, of police refusal to intervene in incidents of violence,” Loudon states, identifying the new phenomenon. “I became increasingly appalled by regular displays of extreme violence and disgusted by a mainstream media which either ignored, excused or even glorified the thuggery.”
Loudon identifies the founder of the first “antifa-type units” as Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Red Army and the organizer of paramilitary thugs who suppressed opposition to Communism.
“The antifa concept was so successful that Trotsky spread it through Italy, Germany and other European countries,” says Loudon.
This analysis largely agrees with that in “Antifa: Rise of the Alt Left,” which identifies “antifa” as simply a brand used by the Communist Party.
“Ironically, though antifa claims to be necessary to keep fascism from rising, fascism only arose in the first place because European nations were fearful of revolutions launched by communists and anarchists – i.e. antifa itself,” says the report. “Antifa always was just a brand for already existing communist and anarchist activists. In its origins, antifa wasn’t even a separate concept, just a front group for already existing leftists. And today’s antifa draws its symbols, insignia and philosophy most directly to the far-left groups that arose in interwar Germany.”
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