It’s not something I intended to write about, but the pieces fell into place yesterday and provide us with an object lesson about the way the world works. Actually, I’m writing this on April 14, a very timely tax extortion day for Americans.
2016 is the designated year to ensure the elite globalist expansion is more fully put in place. Various wars, political tumult and market disasters are ensuring that the right incidents happen at the right time.
Best case, the elites hold off for a little while on triggering what they’ve set up. Worst case, the detonations commence immediately.
Already, 2016 has seen some such detonations. But unlike many who react to the assault with varying degrees of anger and despair, we discern a pattern and are diligent about reporting on it without fear and with a discerning eye.
That’s our job, after all, on behalf of readers and subscribers. We understand the timeline of Jubilee disasters just as we understood the Shemitah timeline last year. This article presents an example of how the fakery works.
Begin with former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who lately has been appearing on various TV programs to express the lamentable state of the world. Greenspan sat for a CNBC interview yesterday, and an article was then posted, entitled, “Greenspan: Monetary policy has done everything it can.”
Greenspan’s point was that central banks don’t have the power to pull the world’s struggling economy out of its increasingly dangerous slump (that is caused).
He basically recommended that the Fed embark on an aggressive money printing campaign – more quantitative easing. And then in nearly the same breath he indicated that it probably wouldn’t be effective. So what does Greenspan have in mind? Nothing really. He did mention that spending ought to be cut – social spending that is. He said nothing about military spending.
You see, this is a Greek game: Destabilize the economy and impoverish the citizens. It is a way of controlling the masses. This is an age-old equation, but it is being applied with special force in 2016. The elites behind these manipulations are trying to move to the next phase of the program, to heightened, hyper-globalism.
They know they are in for considerable pushback. They will need to crush peoples’ hopes and dreams and drain their material resources. An impoverished and desperate person is one who will not have the wherewithal to fight back (in an upcoming article we’ll show just how pushed to the edge of poverty the average American already is). This fits right in with the larger Jubilee psyop. Steadily, the mechanisms are being put into place to trigger a final level of depression and despair.
Leave Greenspan in New York expressing his corrosive pessimism to CNBC. Cue Washington DC where top executives from the IMF and World Bank are voicing their own brands of pessimism at a “Spring Meeting.”
In order to do this, they are using leverage provided by the massive Panama Papers leak. Here, from the Guardian:
World Bank and IMF chiefs: Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde say revelations from Panama Papers have a ‘tremendously negative effect’ on global fight to end poverty.
The Guardian quotes Jim Yong Kim, the president of the World Bank, as saying the “revelations that many of the world’s richest and most powerful people are avoiding paying millions in taxes by hiding money from the taxman in offshore havens is a ‘great, great concern’.”
You see? The world is an increasingly impoverished place. Alan Greenspan has just finished telling us so and now Kim has confirmed it. We also know from coverage of the Panama Papers hack that numerous rich people and wealthy corporations are avoiding payment of their “fair share.”
Forget for the moment that the US began its War on Poverty in 1968 after decades of poverty falling in the US, only to fail just like the War on Drugs, which increased drug usage or the War on Terrorism, which increased terrorism.

But they actually didn’t fail… they accomplished exactly what the government overseers wanted, more control and more problems.
Of course, the answer to more poverty, in this case, is… more control and more problems.
The scene has been set. All that is needed now is the “resolution.”
The honors go to Christine Lagarde. First, the Guardian reports, she speaks forcefully about global cooperation to pursue tax cheats.
“A lot of things have gone global,” she is quoted as saying, “but there is one thing that has not gone global and that is tax. It is still very much a local affair.” She then states the IMF would be actively helping to create a more aggressive effort at collecting taxes on a global scale.
“International cooperation really has to be significantly improved,” she is quoted as saying.
Shemitah Trends and Jubilee Jolts! Global activism is necessary to “save the children” from poverty inflicted by tax avoidance.
Every day such scenes are deliberately played out to justify further globalist activism. This is just one I noticed and decided to write about to show clearly how it’s done.
These are our (mis)leaders. Our men of influence. They create the catastrophes, advance the solutions and justify action. Jubilee 2016 is unfortunately the year they’ve chosen to make their next “great leap” forward. We’ll keep a close eye on what’s going on and warn you about upcoming catastrophes.
But our most timely instrument, the ones thousands count on, is our bimonthly TDV newsletter and its accompany serial alerts. For best results, and to be as educated as you can be in the face of these manipulations and onrushing catastrophes in 2016, please click HERE to subscribe.
And if you have not yet seen our viral video which explains what is set to happen this year, “SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite’s Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016”,
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