Friday, August 9, 2024

U.N. agency admits 9 of its workers 'may have been involved' in Oct. 7 massacre

U.N. agency admits 9 of its workers 'may have been involved' in Oct. 7 massacre

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the so-called humanitarian organization which only represents the Palestinians, finally officially admitted this week what has been known for several months already – namely its operatives took part in the Hamas-inspired Oct. 7 slaughter of Israelis in southern Israel and its communities.

Well, sort of.

"For nine people, the evidence was sufficient to conclude they may have been involved in the seventh of October attacks," Deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq said. They have apparently had their employment terminated. Nineteen people in all were investigated through the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS). It delivered a confidential report – which will not be made public – to United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

In nine other cases, the OIOS claimed the evidence of involvement was insufficient, and in one case, it said there was no evidence.

Israel's outgoing Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, who recently received the "Defender of Israel" award from Christians United for Israel (CUFI), lambasted both the timing of the report and its findings.

He labeled it a "disgrace" and "too little too late." "The investigation ignored the thousands of agency employees involved in Hamas terrorism and the extent of their involvement. Israel has provided the U.N. with precise details of over a hundred UNRWA employees who are members of the terrorist organization Hamas," Erdan said in a statement.

To rub salt into an already festering wound Guterres recently awarded UNRWA-Gaza the U.N. Secretary-General's Award for 2023. Erdan also called for Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA commissioner-general, to resign and for the entire organization to be shut down. Lazzarini was recently embarrassed at an event in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he was the honored guest of the socialist mayor's Swiss National Day ceremony. As he attempted to speak, a woman – Ayelet Samerano – whose son, Jonathan, was killed and his body kidnapped to Gaza – stood up and declared, "UNRWA kidnapped my son!" Following up with, "Where is he Mr. Lazzarini?" Jonathan Samerano's lifeless body was infamously seen on a security camera being dumped into a white pickup truck by two Gazans wearing, clearly visibly wearing UNRWA jackets.


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