Friday, August 30, 2024

The Residents Of Northern Israel Have Had Enough: ‘It’s Time To Crush Hezbollah’

The Residents Of Northern Israel Have Had Enough: ‘It’s Time To Crush Hezbollah’

This past weekend, in preemptive strikes, more than 100 IDF fighter jets struck numerous targets inside Lebanon against Hezbollah, including rocket launchers that were ready to launch approximately 6,000 projectiles into Israel. Of course, Israel wasn’t going to allow that to take place and rightfully acted in self-defense. Hezbollah responded by launching around 250 rockets and drones into Israel.

However, did you know that since October 8th, Hezbollah has launched thousands of rockets and drones into Israel, firing them almost on a daily basis? These attacks have displaced some 60,000 to 100,000 residents from their homes in Northern Israel. Those evacuated individuals who lived in close proximity to the border with Lebanon have simply had enough.

World Israel News reported last Sunday this statement from Fighting for the North, an umbrella organization advocating for the displaced residents:

For months now, we have been suffering hundreds of [rocket, missile, and drone] barrages almost every day. Until now, there has been almost no significant response from the IDF, apart from targeted assassinations and attacks that do not create deterrence.

This time, don’t give up. The red line was crossed a long time ago… Crush Hezbollah to the point of defeat, establish with a security strip inside Lebanese territory, and create with a long-term victory.

We send our strength to the soldiers of the IDF and the security forces, and my support the Israeli government regarding a significant military effort against Hezbollah.

Giora Zaltz, head of the Upper Galilee Regional Council, added, “I hope that at the end of this, there will be a different security situation that will allow the evacuees to return home.”

I think we would all agree. It’s time to crush these demonic maniacs. Hezbollah, Hamas, and all proxies of Iran are hellbent on destroying the Jewish State. Israel can’t continue to allow these constant attacks on its citizens.

So, why hasn’t Israel, in more preemptive strikes, gone even further to cripple Hezbollah and Iran as well? I believe the US government has an enormous amount of pressure on Israel not to escalate the region further. Remember there’s an election coming up in the United States in November. Biden and Harris are trying to play both sides.


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