Friday, August 30, 2024

The Coming Federal Property Tax

The Federal Property Tax

There’s a reason why you’ll never truly own your home. It is called the property tax. It is a yearly tax – paid forever – based on what the taxers say your home is worth this year, irrespective of what you paid for it when you thought you bought it.

You may have paid $250,000 for it many years ago. Maybe because that’s all you could afford to pay when you thought you bought it. Fast-forward ten years and the taxers say it is now worth $500,000 and “assess” the tax you are required to pay on the basis of that figure. Your “gains” are $250k – and now you “owe.”

Never mind that no actual increase in your worth – and so your ability to pay – has occurred, because you’re living in rather than selling the house.

These ever-upticking taxes on what you may like to think of as your home (which of course it’s not; if you are obliged to pay money in order to be allowed to occupy it you are paying rent) serve the dual purpose of preventing you from ever truly owning your home and eventually forcing you out of your home.

Via the ever-increasing rent-styled-property-taxes the “owner” will eventually no longer be able to pay.

This happens routinely, especially to older people who aren’t able to work full time any longer, who bought their house years ago when they thought they could afford to live in it. They were able to – at the time – based on the income they had and the taxes as they were. But when their income is no longer sufficient to pay property taxes that have doubled over time, they are obliged to sell.

Put more bluntly – more honestly – they are forced out of what they considered to be their home.

Now imagine the effect of a federal property tax on top of that. This is what is coming if the Leftists – there are no Democrats anymore, except for RFK, Jr. and he’s now a Republican – have their way with what’s left of this country.

The Leftists – who are in fact communists, just not yet willing to call themselves that openly – do not call it that, of course. They use semantic sleight-of-hand instead, styling their proposal to evict working and middle class families from the homes they are allowed to pretend they own an “unrealized capital gains” tax.

So, what will happen is the same that happened before – when the income tax became law. At first, only “the rich” did pay. But – having established in law the principle as well as the precedent that taxing anyone’s income was lawful (that is to say, constitutional) it didn’t take long beforeeveryone was paying income taxes. Except, of course, the very rich – who can afford ways to get around such things. But who profit from such things in that income taxes provide the government with the funds to spend on things very rich people like to spend other people’s money on, such as “defense” as a for-instance. There is a lot of money to be made in that business, if you’re rich enough to own a “defense” contractor (or a piece of one).

Anyhow, if it is passed into law, what will happen – inevitably – is that working and middle class people will be federally taxed on the increased value of the homes they like to think they own. This increased value will be regarded as income – unrealized gains – and that will be subject to the tax. It will amount to a second income tax – and it will take more income to pay this tax. Those who cannot afford to pay the tax will be forced out of their homes.


Perhaps these former home-owners (or so they liked to think) will be allowed to live in a government-owned apartment, with the owner having, of course, the owner’s prerogative of eviction.

As it was in the old Soviet Union – where no one entertained the illusion that they owned anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unrealized gains is just another way of achieving “you will own nothing and be happy”. “Build back better” is just a play on words that evil concocted to gain acceptance for their plan of destruction. GOD gave man a conscience and with in that conscience there is knowledge of what is evil and what is good. Just as our other senses can determine what something likely is by sight, smell or touch. Reminder in these days of the harvesting of souls, GOD and his SON gifted us salvation if it does not feel right it probably isn’t.