Friday, August 30, 2024

Report: US State Department Funded the Censorship Ecosystem in Brazil to Subvert Bolsonaro Administration

Report: US State Department Funded the Censorship Ecosystem in Brazil to Subvert Bolsonaro Administration

In January 2023, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, the Biden regime began deporting Brazilian opposition leaders back to Brazil following the surprise election victory by socialist criminal Lula da Silva

In July 2024, Brazil’s Federal Police indicted popular former President Jair Bolsonaro for ‘money laundering and criminal association.’ The charges were reportedly related to ‘undeclared diamonds’ received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office.

This was nothing new. The Lula regime has been targeting and persecuting Bolsonaro and his supporters since they took office in 2023. Lula, the communist, was taking lessons from the Biden regime and their brazen and nonstop political persecution of President Donald Trump, parentsdevout Catholicspro-Life activists, and Trump supporters since taking office in 2021.

So it should come as no surprise that the Biden regime has been openly supporting Lula da Silva, the socialist tyrant in Brazil, prior to the presidential elections. And now we know that the US State Department was funding the censorship ecosystem in Brazil with tens of millions of dollars.

Foreign Policy reported prior to the 2022 presidential elections on how Joe Biden and the CIA were working to ensure a Lula win in Brazil.

“How Team Biden Tried to Coup-Proof Brazil’s Elections,” read the headline.

According to reports, top Biden officials from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and CIA all participated in threatening the Bolsonaro administration in rare, escalating diplomatic meetings.

Joe Biden’s CIA director, William Burns, and National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, both traveled to Brazil to meet with senior Brazilian officials and warn them that Bolsonaro should stop casting doubt on his country’s electoral process. It was the opening gambit in a quiet campaign by Washington to replace Bolsonaro, the popular people's candidate, with the socialist tool Lula da Silva.

On Saturday, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France for refusing to comply with the country’s censorship laws. Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on the tarmac as he got off his private jet from Azerbaijan.

On Saturday evening Mike Benz, the founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online released a video explaining who he believes is behind this arrest – The US State Department.

Earlier this week, Mike Benz was interviewed by Tucker Carlson. During their conversation, Benz discussed how the State Department spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to build the censorship ecosystem in Brazil.

The Biden regime and our Deep State superiors spent millions to replace the pro-freedom Bolsonaro administration with the communist Lula de-Silva.


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