Thursday, August 29, 2024


Technofascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users
John & Nisha Whitehead

“Internet platforms have a powerful incentive to please important federal officials, and the record in this case shows that high-ranking officials skillfully exploited Facebook’s vulnerability... Not surprisingly these efforts bore fruit. Facebook adopted new rules that better conformed to the officials’ wishes, and many users who expressed disapproved views about the pandemic or COVID–19 vaccines were ‘deplatformed’ or otherwise injured.”—Justice Samuel Alito, dissenting in Murthy v. Missouri 

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has finally admitted what we knew all along: Facebook conspired with the government to censor individuals expressing “disapproved” views about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zuckerberg’s confession comes in the wake of a series of court rulings that turn a blind eye to the government’s technofascism.

In a 2-1 decision in Children’s Health Defense v. Meta, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit brought by Children’s Health Defense against Meta Platforms for restricting CHD’s posts, fundraising, and advertising on Facebook following communications between Meta and federal government officials.

In a unanimous decision in the combined cases of NetChoice v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice, the U.S. Supreme Court avoided ruling on whether the states could pass laws to prohibit censorship by Big Tech companies on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.

And in a 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Missouri , the Supreme Court sidestepped a challenge to the federal government’s efforts to coerce social media companies into censoring users’ First Amendment expression.

Welcome to the age of technocensorship.

On paper—under the First Amendment, at least—we are technically free to speak.

In reality, however, we are now only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow.

Case in point: internal documents released by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government confirmed what we have long suspected: that the government has been working in tandem with social media companies to censor speech.

By “censor,” we’re referring to concerted efforts by the government to muzzle, silence and altogether eradicate any speech that runs afoul of the government’s own approved narrative.

This is political correctness taken to its most chilling and oppressive extreme.



Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with political correctness. It is by design. Same with the “you will own nothing and be happy” or build back better” or the new Harris concoction of “ joy” This is all about domination by a satanic group of individuals bent on controlling the entire world and whom they allow to exist after they complete the take over. Castro, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, and every other despot would be jealous of their ability to have bought, bribed, extorted, infiltrated their way into the media, pharma, and most of all in miss labeled governments, which technically are no longer governments. They resemble open air prison officials that decide what privileges they will dispense depending on acceptable behavior aligned with their edicts. The 150k proposed loan to illegals? In California. Why? Why keep printing money causing inflation driving up prices? Why open borders? Illegals default on loans, Blackrock buys up cheap, seniors on fixed income forced out of homes because of higher property taxes etc. Blackrock right there to buy up property, criminal element of immigration weaponized and turns what was once a thriving community into gang infested hell hole, Blackrock ready and available to buy up assets, war in Ukraine no problem, Blackrock right there to rebuild and own. WEF, Blackrock(Fink), Soros, Rothschild and others of the cabal of synagogue of Satan. They schemed to use global fake issues to worm their way into positions of power like climate change , pandemics, energy, global food production(buying up large swaths of farm land). Won’t matter whom is elected in November, they have individuals ready to pull the strings or by force if necessary. Klaus Schwab just warned of the shocks society will take place and whom would know better about these supposed shocks than WEF and intelligence apparatus causing these shocks. This Satanic global takeover is all by design. The one thing they will never be able to control is our gift of salvation and eternal life bestowed upon those that stand fast in their belief in GOD and his SON. Satan and his minions are hard at work to capture as many souls as they can as they would get no pleasure if hell was an echo chamber void of souls. Sorry about the long post, but …..the harvest of souls is upon us and choosing which direction that soul takes is extremely important.

Anonymous said...

Come Lord Jesus and take us home.