Friday, August 9, 2024

The Rockefeller Foundation and the destruction of global agriculture

The Rockefeller Foundation and the destruction of global agriculture

No one group has done more to damage our global agriculture and food quality than the Rockefeller Foundation.

They began in the early 1950s after the War to fund two Harvard Business School professors to develop vertical integration which they named “Agribusiness.” The farmer became the least important.

They then created the fraudulent Green Revolution in Mexico and India in the 1960s and later the pro-GMO Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa since 2006.

Money from the Rockefeller Foundation literally created the disastrous genetically modified organism (“GMO”) genetically altered plants with their toxic glyphosate pesticides. Now again, the foundation is engaged in a major policy change in global food and agriculture and it’s not good.

Sinister Rockefeller Food System Agenda — They Created It and Now Want to Destroy It

By F. William Engdahl as published in the New Eastern Outlook on 21 October 2021

In their latest report, ‘True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the US Food System’, the Rockefeller Foundation is deeply engaged in a coordinated effort to radically change the way we produce food and how we calculate its true cost. They claim it is part of a global consensus, through the UN, to create “sustainable” agriculture amid the ongoing covid breakdown crisis. Far from being a positive change, it is intended to radically change our access to healthy food and our choice of what we eat. The Foundation, which has just released the second food report in two years, is partnering with the Davos World Economic Forum and big agribusiness to lead the drive. Their new slogan is “True Cost of Food.”

Rajiv Shah, President of the Foundation writes, “We spent the past year working with experts and advocates across the field to measure impact of the US food system. The result is the first US-wide set of metrics that can help us measure the cost of our food more accurately. With this new analysis, governments, advocates, food producers, and individuals are better equipped to transform our food system to be more nourishing, regenerative, and equitable …”

Here is where the words must be looked at more closely. These guys are experts at neuro-linguistic programming (“NLP”). In effect, it reads as if the same Rockefeller Foundation responsible for our industrialised, globalised food chain and the destruction that process has wrought on not only the family farm but also the quality of our global agriculture and diet, is now blaming their creation for huge external costs of our food. However, they write as if the greedy family farmer is to blame, not corporate agribusiness.

Shah states, “This report is a wake-up call. The US food system as it stands is adversely affecting our environment, our health, and our society.” Shah’s Rockefeller study states, “The US food system’s current set-up has led to costly impacts on the health of people, society and the planet. Global warming, reduced biodiversity, water and air pollution, food waste and the high incidence of diet-related illnesses are key unintended consequences of the current production system.” This is ominous.

The study adds, “ The burden of impact of these costs are disproportionately borne by communities that are marginalised and underserved, often communities of colour, many of whom are the backbone as farmers, fishers, ranchers and food workers.”



Anonymous said...

I remember the first Earth Day - April 22, 1970 which happened to be Lenin's 100th birthday. Not a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Nelson Rockefeller had the notion of the divine right of kings meaning he should be given the GOP nomination foregoing spending and campaigning in any of the primaries. Rank and file Republican conservatives thwarted Rockefeller in 1960, 1964, 1968 and forced him off the ticket in 1975.