Thursday, August 8, 2024

Israel Sends Message In The Form Of A Sonic Boom Over Beirut, As US Pressure Emboldens Iran’s Axis Of Evil

The Times of Israel reported that earlier today, Israeli jets set off Sonic booms in Beirut just as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was set to start delivering his fiery speech once again threatening the world’s one and only Jewish State.

“Israeli warplanes broke the sound barrier over Beirut just ahead of a pugnacious speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday afternoon, as northern residents were told to stay close to bomb shelters amid a series of cross-border attacks from Lebanon,” the Times of Israel detailed. “At the beginning of his televised address on Tuesday to mark the one-week anniversary of Shukr’s death, Nasrallah charged that the sonic booms set off by Israeli planes flying low over Beirut were intended as a provocation.”

“The loud booms sent residents rushing to open their windows to prevent the glass from shattering or standing on their balconies to get a glimpse of the planes flying over,” the report continued.

Clearly, this was a message from Israel.

There has been talk of Hezbollah striking Israel prior to Iran’s promised attack. If Hezbollah tries to attack Israel in some major way, Beirut, the capital of Lebanon where Nashallah routinely hides, will be on the table.

Israeli leaders, both military and political, have said this for years. If Lebanon is hosting Hezbollah, if Hezbollah has essentially built a state within a state, Lebanon will also pay a price—hence, sonic booms over Beirut.

Additionally, five Hezbollah terrorist operatives were taken out in an Israeli air strike in southern Lebanon today, and Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets at the Galilee region and the Golan Heights. It is a high-intensity war that’s gone on since October 8th between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Offense vs Defense — Awaiting The Iranian Attack

The world continues to wait for the promised Iranian axis of evil attack on Israel. It has been one week since the news broke that Israel had eliminated top Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr. While Shaukr was killed in Beruit, Haniyeh was taken out in Tehran under the noses of the Iranian regime, his host. Ever since, we have been hearing threats of revenge from the Iranian axis.

Iran reportedly told diplomats that they are going to strike Israel—or at least they will try. Is the moment is upon us?

Some have suggested the regime will wait until the ninth of Av, a significant day on the Jewish calendar. This was the day, a few hundred years apart, when both Jewish temples were destroyed, and the Jewish people were exiled from the land of Israel. First, the Babylonians destroyed Solomon’s temple. Later, in 70 AD, the Romans led by General Titus, destroyed the second temple, often referred to as “Herod’s Temple,” where Jesus taught and chased out the money changers.

We don’t know when this Iranian attack is coming, but sitting in the United States, it has been difficult watching this all unfold. Call me crazy, but if someone is planning to strike you… strike them first before they get the chance! It has been maddening to see Israel have to sit around and wait for this Iranian attack before they can respond. The reason for that is the Biden Administration. That’s not political; that’s a fact.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Israel needs to not listen to Biden, look where that got the USA over the last 4 years, IMO? Seriously, IMO, Israel has Intel and this should guide them as to how to proceed and when, so hopefully Israel does so; nothing good comes from being off-guard or waiting as they so unfortunately experienced earlier on, and why this mess had to escalate, right? Prayers for Israel, divine intervention, and God's hand on us all since most of mankind seeks joy, unity, love, peace, safety, hope, and with God anything is possible!!