Thursday, August 8, 2024

Civil Unrest Rising In The UK Over Migrant Crisis, Intentions of the Non-Elites: Round Two

Massive riots have erupted across the UK following the tragic fatal stabbings of three young girls in Southport. The girls were attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class when a cowardly 17-year-old male, born to Rwandan parents, attacked the innocent children. The law protects the murderer over the three innocent young girls, and this preventable attack may have been the final straw for the people of the UK. Tensions between citizens and migrants were already at a boiling point. Now, the UK government is calling protests against migrants “far-right thuggery” and looking to silence dissent.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer, a World Economic Forum favorite, believes the UK should revert to “COVID-style”restrictions to prevent rioting.

“Back in Covid, they were prepared to back measures that were needed in that situation and I think they would take a similar approach to keeping rioters off the streets now given the scale of damage that has been done to communities,” Starmer said while adding that the government must take “whatever measures they feel is necessary to get this situation under control.”

The people are livid and the government is willing to do anything necessary to quiet them, other than addressing the real problem. Starmer’s government has sent dogs after protestors. He has allowed authorities to punish them in ways that they never punished those protesting against Israel or other far-left causes. Every headline calls the protestors “far-right extremists” and “anti-immigration Islamaphobes.” The international press would like the would to believe that the outrage is unjustified.

What about migrant reform and preventing illegals or those with no loyalty to the nation in which they reside from continually committing crimes? Why were these three little girls unsafe in the classroom? The people want answers but Starmer won’t provide them. These riots are rampant and passion-fueled. It is estimated that rioters have already caused between £200m and £500m in damages. Over 400 people have been arrested at the time of this writing.

It is unfortunate when the masses resort to violence to be heard, but the people of the UK have finally snapped after years of begging their elected officials to close the borders. Around 672,000 illegals entered the UK in 2023 alone, with 84,000 claiming asylum. The foreign-born population reached 14.5% by 2021, and has doubled since the beginning of the decade. The open border policy never faltered when Britain left the EU.

Intentions of the Non-Elites: Round Two

It seems clear that the globalists and bankers (from hereon to be referred to as non-elites) will soon be imposing their “pandemic preparedness” schemes on the public again. Having pushed that ‘virus epidemic’ “pandemic” envelope a little too far the last time around, what would they possibly be able to dangle like that proverbial carrot in front of our faces that would be effective as a tool to convince us that we need to be locked up again?

Think: war and more precisely, civil wars. It seems very clear from the chaos and madness happening in the UK and Ireland right now that the illegal immigrant male youths ‘residing’ all over the cities and countryside are very much meant to be there for a planned retaliation against culture. Sorry, I see what I see. Prove me wrong.

All they need is a signal. This could comprise many things: fooling the people into burning actual refugee refuges, incitement from a public figure, or a few children potentially being earmarked for rape or murder.

Seventeen million people (so far) witnessed statements like: “I guarantee, you will regret taking part in this disorder,” recently in an address via X from the Prime Minister Starter in a ‘full address’ to the nation. Can you elaborate on that please, Mr. PM? This was in reference to the people of the UK taking any action against the madness of the clear impositions on life and safety that the people of the UK (and Ireland) are facing now. It’s interesting that he uses the word ‘thuggery’ to describe the response from the people of the UK to this absolute existential crisis imposed on them.

There is something brewing in the East as well.

And we all know what’s happening in Canada, right? They’re even looking for ways to ‘regularize’ illegals. Is that even a word? 

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