The past three years have exposed the structural flaw in Western democracy with more disastrous consequences for its populations than at any time in recent history.
It’s generally known that democracy, from the Ancient Greek dēmokratia, means ‘rule by the people’; but it is perhaps less widely known that the fifth-century city-state of Athens on which the West modelled its democracy was a slave-owning society in which only adult males and hereditary citizens comprising maybe 10-15 per cent of the population had the right to vote.
The universal suffrage we have in the UK today was only attained through centuries of political struggle, and is predicated, at least in principle, on an equally universal education. One of the arguments against extending rights of suffrage that were originally restricted to landowners, then to property owners, then to heads of households, then to men over twenty-one, then to propertied women over thirty, and only eventually made a universal right, was that according equal votes to individuals with vastly unequal levels of education, influence and understanding of policy was politically suicidal.
...universal education, which has always served to indoctrinate citizens into the dominant ideology, has been transformed into more or less explicit propaganda for the changing values and pressing needs of Western capitalism far beyond how we vote. Globalism, multiculturalism, political correctness, identity politics, environmental fundamentalism, the orthodoxies of woke and now the dogma and cultic practices of biosecurity are all products of the neoliberalisation of our education, media and culture industries.
The result of this ideological co-ordination of every sector of our society is that the most educated demographic in human history, the middle classes of the West, is now the most easily manipulated populace in history. A century and more of universal suffrage and education has created not ‘rule by the people’ but a demos in thrall to the ever-expanding technologies of biopower.
The systemic exploitation of this flaw in our democracy means that our lives are now effectively ruled by the most gullible, the most afraid, the most obedient and the most compliant members of our society, on the grounds that they constitute a democratic consensus. It is not by chance that every crisis manufactured to justify removing our freedoms is turned into a ‘health’ crisis.
Just as our human rights, discarded on the justification of the health and safety of the ‘people’, have become the means by which our lives have been taken into the protective custody of the state, so too our democracy has become the means by which the institutions and processes of democratic oversight and accountability have been dismantled and replaced by the rule of a global technocracy implementing a totalitarian system of governance.
When a mother insists that the child she persuaded or allowed to be injected wasn’t killed by the experimental gene therapy that was injected into it a few hours earlier she is, understandably, trying to deny her complicity in the naivety and stupidity that led her to agree to allow someone to expose her child to such a risk. But she is also silencing what is impossible for her, at that moment, to entertain as a possibility: that the National Health Service she has been raised to regard as a secular Church, the pharmaceutical industry and her Government not only don’t care about whether her child and everybody else she knows lives or dies, but may even be intentionally trying to kill them.
1 comment:
Quote: It is not by chance that every crisis manufactured to justify removing our freedoms is turned into a ‘health’ crisis; This statement says it all, it's become the power hungry minions excuse now to gain more power, agreed!!! So absurd, IMO!
So, we ignore them, remove them by all means necessary, and regain our power to remain free. Just because pushed narratives are thought to be the new norm does not mean reversal processes can't be done to return us all back to what worked prior, in my opinion!
Some fitting, a poem correlated to such power moves;
Calm before the “Next Munity”
Undoing of underscore of which minds do explore,
Munity of those who will deplore, denounce, and abhor
The reasons of orders that they will not do, but turn back on those who will hang by their own noose,
It will restore victory of galaxy that needs to be more aligned with humanity;
The turning point has met with being restored,
Timely fashion like Superman comes to uphold justice to mankind
As all beholds, almost too late, and now we can resume sanity once more!
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