Friday, February 3, 2023

Prophecy And Today's Forming Alliances

Today's Alliances As Predicted By The Prophets Of The Bible

The prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel tell us that war is coming against Israel and what nations and people groups will be involved. What is most interesting about this is that the predictions of Ezekiel, made over 2600 years ago, line up very closely with the current alignment of nations that we see emerging today: the Islamic nations which are forming coalitions to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth", the Northern and Eastern nations that are making efforts to establish a One World, Order, and a small number of nations which tend to be supportive of Israel to a smaller or larger extent.

The Biblical prophets predicted that in the end days, there would be four main superpowers (or spheres of power) in four geographic regions in relation to Israel. They are the King of the North and the King of the South - Daniel 11:40, the Kings of the East - Revelation 16:12, and the King of the West - Revelation 13. The prophets further predicted that there would be alliances formed between some of these kings.

The Abraham Accord is designed to begin the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab nations. Initiated by President Donald Trump and his administration, it was signed at the White House on September 15, 2020 by leaders from the United States, Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. 

On October 23, 2020, Sudan formally agreed to normalize ties with Israel and on December 10, 2020, President Trump announced that Morocco agreed to establish full diplomatic relations. Saudi Arabia and Oman are still contemplating the Accord. Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) are the only other nations to have peace deals with Israel.

What about the "New World Order"?

Do we see signs of this happening? Indeed we do. Today, the United Nations is at the forefront of the efforts to institute the One World Government.

So, too, apparently are many in the United States. George H.W. Bush (September 11, 1990) spoke of the need for a new world order, and Bill Clinton not only agreed but dramatically expanded upon Bush's "need". In his speech in Berlin on July 24, 2008 Barack Obama said: "I am a fellow citizen of the World. In this new world we'll have a global citizenship. We will join in a new global partnership. 

We must come together to save the planet. We need a globalized world. People of the world this is our time. We must answer our destiny and remake the world once again." Henry Kissinger stated that "Obama is primed to create the new World Order." In March 2022 Joe Biden said there is "going to be a new world order" that must be led by the United States.

Pope Francis on numerous occasions has called for efforts to fight global warming and is a primary a spokesman for that cause at the U.N. Pope Francis believes that our planet is overpopulated, that something needs to be done to rectify that, and if fully behind efforts to do so via pharmaceutical methods. 

The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council created by Pope Francis announced the building of the New Chrislam Headquarters which combines a Mosque and a Church, called the Abrahamic Family House - one of many steps he has taken to establish a One World Religion. Pope Francis has frequently called for new powers be transferred to an International Authority that 'manages' the interests of nations - in other words, a One World Government.

Depopulation Agendas

Agendas 21 and 2030

Both Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 espouse plans to depopulate the World's Population by 2030. perhaps by as much as 95%. According to statement (c) from the Initiative For Eco-92 Earth Charter, "Present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary."

We are living in a unique time of history. The prophecies are firing in rapid succession like the final fireworks display on the fourth of July. Elohim (God) has a few choice words to say about the depopulation agendas.

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