Friday, December 17, 2021

Russia Reveals Where WWIII Has Already Begun

Russia reveals where World War III has already begun

A new global conflict is already breaking out in cyberspace, a top Russian defense official has claimed, adding that Moscow hopes to work with the US to reduce the risks stemming from back-and-forth digital skirmishing.

Andrey Krutskikh, a Foreign Ministry official charged with overseeing the country's international cooperation on information security, spoke on Thursday at an academic conference on the subject of Russia’s place in today’s political world. He claimed that cyberattacks have become so frequent and severe as to constitute a new world conflict, hidden from the public eye.

“A war is taking place, and taking place very intensely,” he warned in his address at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. “As much as we act like this is all hidden, in fact, full-scale hostilities are happening in cyberspace. And in general, the media are correct to say this is already a Third World War. We just don’t know the extent of the damage, or who will lose in the end, or what the world’s configuration will be as a result of the war.”

Krutskikh emphasized that the Kremlin was eager to use the structure of the UN to come to international agreements regarding digital warfare. He complained, however, that the US and other nations had interfered with Moscow’s attempts to make the matter a priority.


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