Friday, December 17, 2021

Israeli Killed, Two Injured in West Bank Attack

An Israeli shot dead, two injured in Palestinian West Bank ambush

An Israeli man of 20, took a bullet to the throat and two of his companions were injured, one seriously when their car came under gunfire Thursday night, Dec. 16, on a road leading out of Homesh west of Nablus. A medical team made an all-out effort to stabilize his condition before evacuating him to hospital but failed to save his life. The two wounded men were driven by ambulance to hospital. Military and security forces mounted an urgent manhunt for two Palestinian gunmen believed to have ambushed the Israel vehicle, closing roads and setting up roadblocks. Information has been received in recent weeks of advanced plans by Palestinian extremist groups to escalate their anti-Israel campaign of terror to shooting attacks.

The three victims appear to have been students of the Homesh Yeshiva, which was set up without a permit at a site in northern Samaria that Israel evacuated when it disengaged from the Gaza Strip.

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