Thursday, December 16, 2021

Davos' Last Stand

Davos’ Last Stand Flops at the Box Office

So Davos’ Last Stand hit theatres a couple of weeks ago. Starring OmicronVID-9/11 as the latest unseen killer this was supposed to be the horror movie of a generation.

Geopolitically, this is the worst opening for a movie since Ishtar.

Sure the overnight preview box office was good. The Dow off 1100 on Opening Day. Gold thwapped. Bitcoin crushed. But then people started talking about the train wreck they’d seen.

The response to OmicronVID-9/11’s performance has been nothing short of hilarious.

The early reviews pointed to an overblown ‘whisper number’ on box office receipts.

Two days later, JPM’s Marco Kolanovic went on CNBC BubbleVision with his review, to blow up the idea that we should remain glued to our screens over the latest release from the Maus Haus, scared for our lives.

Kolanovic was the first of many to say the quiet part out loud; that OmicronVID was so unaffecting as a serial killer it may wind up doing the exact opposite, immunizing the world from the next sequel in the series. That if anything, Omicron may be, in fact, a better vaccine than anything cooked up by Pfizer, Moderna or even the Russians.

These were the first shots across the bow at Davos’ Last Stand. And were clear signals to the markets that Wall St. was completely done with this COVID-19 nonsense and are in a political position to make that stick in the U.S. Congress.

The result has been the fastest week-to-week drop off in box office I’ve seen of a Davos narrative ever.

What was theorized early on about Omicron developing multiple spike proteins to increase transmissibility and infection but lowering its lethality has borne itself out as the data came in. So, the trumped up hysteria intended as shock and awe to play to as wide an audience as possible failed to capture the imaginations of anyone with three brain cells to rub together to make a spark…

And that speaks to Kolanovic’s initial assessment, which has been echoed by heads of state, like Putin, and, more importantly, the medical community who worked overtime to crush the fear porn.

As variants of the virus evolve, one of them, in this case Omicron, is more transmissible and outcompetes other emergent strains.  That one spreads uncontrollably while the others have less chance to infect hosts and propagate.

We all get it, produce the antibodies against it and most, if not all, of the others, and reach herd immunity against all the strains that much faster.

Omicron may be the best form of vaccine against COVID-19 we could have ever produced.

And now you know why Davos were desperate to unleash the fear porn so thoroughly during a holiday weekend when everyone would be glued to their screens.

Honestly, as scripts go, this one was so badly written everyone saw the plot holes before they’d even gotten to the end of Act I.

Davos’ Last Stand really was meant to lockdown the world, destroy the global economy and Build Back Better.  In Russia, TASS reported to the world the week after its release they are 53.7% towards Herd Immunity from COVID-19, and Sputnik V isn’t 1% as dangerous as the mRNA gene therapies being forced on the West.

So, by the time Omicron spreads through Asia, including China, Russia and India, COVID will be a thing of the past there.

In case anyone is confused this was a Davos-produced monstrosity, note the only places even remotely trying to leverage Omicron into policy. You guessed it, Europe.

Only Europe reacted as one would expect. They loved Davos’ Last Stand!  Then again, have you watched most ofthe winners from Cannes? *sigh*

Angela Merkel’s last act in office was to issue a full lockdown of unvaccinated Germans.


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