Thursday, December 16, 2021

Censorship - A Sign Of The Times

Facebook, Fact Checkers Are Opinionated After All

It’s not exactly breaking news: Facebook finally admitted what most of us have always known: the biased “fact checks” they’ve used to censor free speech and to police what Americans can read and watch are just “opinion.”

But the damage has already been done. The progressive, one-party, big tech media bully pulpit has been used to control information and influence public opinion. Some believe they used their power to slant the 2020 election for Biden. Many of us have been warning about this dangerous trend for years, but thanks in part to journalist John Stossel’s lawsuit, a little more truth has finally been exposed.

Not that it will do much good at this point, but I’m thankful John Stossel pulled back the curtain exposing part of the left’s monitoring of news and commentary. Their supposed ‘quest for truth’ is a big fat farce. Their alleged battle against “misinformation” shouldn’t fool anyone.

But they already did. And those in the “fooled” category likely number in the millions.

Another concern is the fact that those in control are censoring, deleting, flagging, shadow-banning, and silencing Christians, conservatives, Republicans, and others without apology. It has been well established for decades the news media is owned and operated by the left. Social media has followed suit.

How can we have a truly free republic with open and respectful dialogue with these serious threats to the First Amendment? To silence others while only allowing leftist-approved propaganda is communist policy.

Oh, but they say they want to enforce the sharing of accurate information. Really. But who, exactly, gets to decide what is truthful or factual and what is false or misleading? Big tech lefties and their government comrades in power, of course.

You may be wondering how Facebook wants you to think about its “fact checkers.” According to statements on its own website:

“Each time a fact-checker rates a piece of content as false, Facebook significantly reduces the content’s distribution … We … apply a warning label that links to the fact-checker’s article, disproving the claim.”

So, ideologically-driven fact-checkers rate, reduce, and disprove. Got it. Men (and women) who generally have an anti-Christian, secular-progressive worldview are today’s arbiters of truth. Let that sink in. This is another reason we’re seeing evil being called good and good evil right before our eyes. 

The lawsuit brought by John Stossel was necessary because he lost large numbers of viewers and readers because his posts were labeled “partly false.” Many of us can relate.

I agree with Stossel and others who say Facebook’s refusal to acknowledge its bias and its mistakes hurts not only the free expression of ideas; it affects individual citizens. When Facebook fact-checks something, its algorithm makes sure fewer people see whatever we share.

They’re a private corporation protected by certain laws so they can do what they want in a free society. But are they monitoring and censoring people equally? Not at all. And this is a huge part of the problem. Their intolerance also impacts many of us monetarily.

Many pastors and ministry leaders can relate. I wrote an extensive article about this earlier this year called, “Censorship is Here and They’re Coming for Christians.” Darkness is spreading, but it will fail in the end. Truth wins. But in the meantime, if you disagree with the power elites and enemy forces, they’ll shut you down without apology.

Steve Watson

In a move that will come as a shock to absolutely no one, YouTube is censoring clips of Joe Rogan’s interview with cardiologist Peter McCullough wherein the doctor laid out how early treatment of COVID is being actively suppressed by governments and big-pharma in favour of a blind pursuit to vaccinate everyone.

Texas-based McCullough urged that treatments including ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies are being sidelined in order to “create acceptance for, and then promote, mass vaccination.” 

During the three hour long exchange, McCullough also spoke at length about vaccine side effects, including myocarditis in young people.

McCullough tweeted out a link to a YouTube video of the interview, which has since been pulled down.

Trying to access the video results in the message “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.” A “learn more” link re-routes to YouTube’s Community Guidelines overview, and the company’s COVID-19 medical misinformation policy.

Rogan himself retweeted McCullough’s post, and later retweeted this post on censorship from Tim Dillon:

In addition, Twitter appears to be suspending people for retweeting clips of Rogan’s McCullough interview:


Twitter, which dubs itself the arbiter of medical misinformation through its constellation of conflicted 'fact-checkers,' will start imposing penalties on users who claim that vaccinated people can spread Covid-19...

...a claim made by none other than the US CDC Director, the NIH, Facui, and countless other officials.

In other words, Twitter will penalize people for spreading common medical knowledge about Covid-19.

"When tweets include misleading information about Covid-19, we may place a label on those tweets that includes corrective information about that claim," reads a quietly updated section of its rules governing Covid-19 misinformation reported by Mediaite.

"We may apply labels to tweets that contain, for example… false or misleading claims that people who have received the vaccine can spread or shed the virus (or symptoms, or immunity) to unvaccinated people."

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