Friday, December 17, 2021

Back To John Galt

It’s Time For All Good Men to Stop Fearing John Galt

There comes a point in every person’s life when they have to reckon with the person in the mirror. Who am I? What do I want? Where am I going?

Since the beginning of the COVID-9/11 story I’ve watched it break so many people who couldn’t answer these basic questions. The fear of the virus uncovered a lot about all of us.

For many, unfortunately, it provoked their inner tyrant.

Last year, during the height of the COVID insanity after publicly hanging up on an unhinged Lee Stranahan live on Sputnik Radio I tweeted this out.

When you hit someone's existential fear that's when you uncover their inner tyrant. When something is beyond their capacity to understand, that's when they turn to projecting that fear on other people. This is what was done to justify the lockdown.

The hard investigative journalist of February 2020 turned into a sniveling, state-worshipping baby by late April. Fear of death uncovered his Room 101. That incident, among others, eventually took down his radio show with certified stand-up guy, Garland Nixon.

Today it’s a shadow of its former self.

When you buy into fear, you sell your reason. Gone is your skepticism as your world collapses. Your eyes focus on your next step too afraid to raise them to the horizon.

There is no bigger picture, there is only the moment.

For 20 months now, we have lived among people terrorized by a story, not a virus but a story, that told them they are the heroes for being afraid and the skeptics are the villains.

To save ourselves we just have to give up our humanity and submit to an authority incapable of telling us the truth.

Because the truth is we had very little to actually fear.

These are the real villains, the Faucis, Bidens, Schwabs, Psakis, Trudeaus and anyone who still believes their patter.

It was never about the disease, it was about control and the real damage being done to our psyches, our bodies and our communities, exactly as I argued to Lee on the radio eighteen months ago before I hung up on him.

They created the fear and then manipulated it into something violent. They preyed on our common decency and humanity, twisting it into something evil which is now plain for anyone who lifts his eyes off the ground to see.

Because vaccine mandates are the ultimate form of state violence, the death penalty notwithstanding.

Once they had a large enough segment so terrorized they would rather die than admit they had been duped, those villains pushed the ultimate Hobson’s Choice on us: get the vaccine against COVID-9/11 and you can have your life back.

But it was never their life to take in the first place.

We gave it to them, hoping they weren’t as evil as many suspected.


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