Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sweden And Denmark Say NO To Vaccinating The Young But U.S. Rushes Ahead

Scandinavia Says NO to Vaccinating the Young but the US Rushes Ahead

In the US authorities continue to coerce employees, university students, and school children to be injected with a substance that does not protect, but does cause variants immune to the “vaccine” and serious adverse reactions including death. It is an established fact that adverse reactions to vaccines are vastly underreported. Despite this, the databases for the US, UK, and EU show millions of adverse reactions to the Covid “vaccine” and tens of thousands of deaths. If these numbers are adjusted to account for the known underreporting, adverse reactions and deaths from the Covid “vaccine” exceed the number of Covid cases and deaths.

In the US “public health” officials are pushing for injecting ever younger kids with the dangerous “vaccine” and are already setting the stage for injecting 6 month old babies.

Meanwhile in Sweden and Denmark, which together with Norway ended Covid restrictions at the end of September, have decided that the “vaccine” should not be given to anyone born after 1990 because of the association of the “vaccine” with dangerous inflammation of the heart. The Covid “vaccine” has actually killed young boys by causing heart attacks. Finland has joined the recommendation against Moderna’s version of the mRNA Covid “vaccine” for those born after 1990.

Different countries used different makers’ “vaccines,” but the mRNA Covid “vaccine” has the same adverse effects regardless of the brand name. So the decisions to limit use of one “vaccine” relative to another is really just a country ruling out the brand name it used that caused heart inflammation and other serious and deadly effects. The countries’ authorities are not sufficiently intelligent to realize that all the mRNA “vaccines” do the same damage and have the same counterproductive effects. So they disapprove one, the adverse reactions of which they experienced, and approve the other with which they have no experience.

As I have reported many times, there are three primary counterproductive effects of the Covid “vaccine:” (1) one is that the “vaccine” immobilizes and destroys a person’s natural immunity, (2) the “vaccine” produces variants immune to the “vaccine,” thus requiring booster injections to protect (for 6 months) against the variants—a process that continues forever, thus enriching the “vaccine” manufacturers, and (3) the “vaccine” causes unprecedented numbers of adverse reactions and deaths. The truth of the matter is that the “vaccine” is far more likely to injure or kill you than to protect you.

In America the population is so stupid that it sits before these propaganda ministries and absorbs the propaganda as truth.

For Biden and “public health authorities” and the media whores to insist on universal inoculation, a counterfactual policy in the face of the evidence, tells us that for them Covid is a cover for an agenda. Whether this agenda is only profits and the erasure of civil liberty, or whether darker agendas are also operating needs public airing to be determined, but censorship prevents public examination of the facts.

Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People Were Not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus

CNN has published an explainer on how to convince your five year old child that they need a COVID vaccine.

Last week, Pfizer and BioNTech announced that they have asked the US Food and Drug Administration to grant emergency use authorization for their controversial vaccines to be administered to children as young as five years old.

For their propaganda article, the network spoke to pediatrician and child development expert Dr. David Hill — who admits that “the data on the dose for 5- to 11-year-olds is not out yet to be scrutinized.”

When asked if he believes children will be concerned about getting the shot, he said that it depends on if the parents are excited for it or not. He went on to admit that there isn’t data available about how these rushed vaccines effect such young children.

“Kids always want to know, ‘Am I going to be OK?’ As parents, we need to be able to give them honest and reassuring answers. The data on the dose for 5- to 11-year-olds is not out yet to be scrutinized, but based on our experience with the other vaccines, we hope we’re going to be able to say, ‘Yes, this is very safe, and yes this will keep you from getting sick,'” Hill said.

The CNN propagandist then asked, “kids want to know whether they can go on playdates with their friends, visit their grandparents over the upcoming holidays and take pictures with Santa. Do we know yet if that will be possible for vaccinated children?”

The doctor said that this will depend on if everyone does what they’re told and gets the shot.

“I certainly hope that over time, we’re going to see that these vaccines in younger children are super effective, so effective that we can stop taking other precautions. But I think it will really depend on everybody doing their part and squashing this virus to just a point where it’s no longer a major threat,” the pediatrician said.

The article went on to say that even if kids are vaccinated, they should not stop wearing masks.

When asked why a parent should give their child the vaccine — which they already admitted that they do not have enough data on — the doctor said that parents need to just “trust the process” and let their children be used as guinea pigs.

“Now, our scientists are constantly getting smarter and learning more. That is a strength, but it can be confusing for people who say, ‘Well, you flip-flop. You change your mind. I can’t trust what you tell me.’ But science is a process of constantly learning. You get some early clues, and you work with those clues, and then you get better information and things change. Trust the process,” Hill said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rather, I'll continue to trust in an already all-knowing and powerful eternal Creator God who NEVER changes, and gave me a brain to think and make decisions for myself.