Sunday, October 17, 2021

Pete Garcia: Prophetic Ponderings

Prophetic Ponderings
Pete Garcia

As of late, I’ve been wrestling with and pondering on, a number of topics pertaining to issues surrounding where we are in the last days. These are in no particular order.

First Thought: There is an idea that one can be both a sincere believer in Jesus Christ, as well as sincerely not interested in the Lord’s return. Now, most of these believers wouldn’t come out and say they aren’t interested in the Lord’s return, but they absolutely live that statement. To me, at least, this seems like two diametrically opposed belief systems that a) one could swear fealty and love toward someone, and b) also not looking forward for them to return. Seems crazy right?

Let’s put this into an example. I liken it to someone who claims to be a fan of a particular football team. Judging by their outward appearances, you would think they are a fan because they wear all their merchandise. They always manage to carve out time of their busy schedules to watch the games. They follow that up by either watching the sports channels or listening to the sports analysis on the radio. When at social gatherings, you can always find them talking about it with their friends. They might even be part of a “fantasy football” league. Imagine you have a friend like that.

Now imagine, as much as you think this person loves that team when given the opportunity to go to the game and sit front row at the fifty-yard line, as well as getting to meet the team afterward, this friend suddenly refuses to go. They can’t really say why they don’t want to go, they just feel really uncomfortable going. Now, knowing all this, would you say they were really a fan, or not?

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people in churches who are like this. Except I was far more generous in the description. In reality, it is more like said imaginary friend loves to wear the merchandise, but couldn’t care less about the game (or the team). Many in the church today love the thought of going to heaven someday, but they are in no hurry to get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IMO, it's not so much true Christians don't want Jesus to return, they do embrace Jesus to come when Jesus does so, and to spare us the wrath of God during the Tribulation. Not knowing exactly when, while enduring present unrest now on Earth, many Christians, due to their faith in our Lord, pray for their blessings to continue. God answers prayers during the uncertainty we find ourselves in. It's quite expected from our loving God to answer our prayers, and is normal to keep faith!
We are to be in the supernatural, God lifting us out of the path of evil unleashing it's fury. Why should we dwell on Earth and be open season for evil at it's worse? To not endure, be strong with God everywhere we are, it is not our choice to want to perish, commit suicidal, or demand Christ return right this very second because we are uncomfortable, right? Because since we do not know Jesus precise moment of returning, we must live as if there might be a tomorrow, or not?
Naturally Christian's want refuge, want calmness, desire an awesome outcome from Tyranny unfolding. Yet, if this is to not come on Earth here in the now, as revelations are unfolding about another direction moving upon Earth, naturally ALL Christian's will welcome Jesus return!! Hopelessness would ensue those that want to go right this moment if it doesn't happen, and yet they are still here, right? So, in perspective, it's my opinion, even though Christian's are NOT in the mood for all we are witnessing, looking like we must continue till Jesus takes us home, either tomorrow, today, or when the Rapture comes! Can't get a ride to Heaven without Jesus as our vehicle there, so we try to do our very best till then, and NOT let the devil steal our joy while enduring the nonsense swirling around us. If waiting for Jesus to return steals some Christians joy in the moment, then perhaps evil is winning over some, this is sad, and is what we are hearing as well during the times we are in, IMO. Every Christian is comfortable going with Jesus, but till then, is every Christian comfortable being patient, dealing with sustaining joy in the moment till then?? Doesn't sound like it to many out here, and Christians need to stay united, especially now! So, everyone is making assumptions as to what other's mean, this is what our World has become about during all our crisis after crisis going on.
We express our emotions differently during time on Earth, but rest assure, it's my thoughts, every Christian wants to go when Jesus returns! (: