Monday, June 21, 2021

UN Human Rights Council Singles Out Israel Yet Again

UN Human Rights Council singles out Israel yet again
Arutz Sheva Staff

The executive director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, has decried a recent decision of the UN Human Rights Council to single out – yet again – Israel for condemnation.

“Tomorrow, the UN Human Rights Council opens a three-week session with an agenda item on only one nation: Israel,” Neuer wrote on Twitter. “There is no agenda item on Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Algeria, Hamas, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, China, Qatar, Cuba, Syria, Iran…”

Ten items are listed on the HRC’s agenda. The first three are largely procedural in nature; the next three are general in scope, and then comes item seven: “Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.”

Human rights abuses around the world are not addressed in the final three items on the list, either, which address “racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia…” in general terms.

In short, no surprises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deception is our greatest enemy for the minds. UN has lost credibility to target Israel, IMO! Anyone with Intelligence knows what the other players in mention do to their people, and all the while threatening the world with boasting their nuclear capabilities toward Israel, USA! Iran, Hamas, Syria, Egypt even, in particular with no regrets nor concerns for how their threats are perceived, should be top of the list for having malice towards other's in the ME region, IMO! The rest of those countries are known to not treat populace proper either; Going after Israel therefore negates UN's competency for objectivity in this reality on Earth, in my opinion!

UN forgets History, doesn't appear to recognize God's part in the equation for Israel's existence as essential in the Middle East, and seems ignorant to reality for truths that can't be ignored if this UN feels duty-bound to judge human rights fairly, IMO! Would not therefore their stance now make the UN a human right violator? The World is showing majority of populace those in positions of supposed power can be, or are, trying to make wrongs right for nefarious Agenda's which most common-man cannot wrap their heads around, in my opinion!! Questions should include, how did those people even get their jobs with thinking like they project that hurts, not helps the masses? Back to the drawing board!!