Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Are Pilot Deaths Increasing? Large Numbers Of Flights Cancelled

Mysterious Pilot Deaths Are Increasing Globally, Large Numbers of Flights Cancelled

Reports of dead pilots are currently causing a stir. Four pilots of the British airline British Airways have recently died within a very short time. There are also reports of this kind from India. This gives food for thought insofar as this professional group has to undergo regular meticulous examinations of the state of health: Only those who are in the best of health are allowed to fly an airplane. So what happened? Many fear that the Covid vaccinations could play a role in the deaths.

British Airways itself is keeping a low profile on the causes of pilot death. Only a connection between the cases (e.g. by receiving the vaccination?) is denied via Twitter.

That doesn’t stop the rumors – on the contrary. The fact that pilots have to undergo health checks at annual to 6-month intervals is not unknown to Twitter users either:

Pilots undergo medical examinations every year. This exam includes the heart, eyesight, hearing, brain, and so on. From a certain age, the health check must be carried out every 6 months. It is very unlikely that these pilots had any previous illness. Incidentally, many Indian pilots also died recently...

In May alone, five pilots died there , other sources even report 17 deaths . Allegedly, the people died of Covid-19, it is said. However, the vaccination of pilots in India was supposed to start in May – and one of the airlines affected said it had already vaccinated a large part of its employees.

It remains unclear whether the respective pilots received a Covid vaccination shortly before their death. In view of the risk of thrombosis as a result of vaccinations and the increased risk of thrombosis when flying, many people feel uncomfortable. In a “fact check” via Reuters it was said that deaths among vaccinated pilots were “not known” at least to the British Medicines Agency MHRA – unfortunately, that doesn’t mean anything.

According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasispilots suffer an increased risk of clotting issues due to frequent and prolonged air travel. Pilots are encouraged to be aware of the signs of deep venous thrombosis and clotting issues and take preventative measures such as compression stockings and stretching of their legs during long flights.

Medical News Today published a study on June 15th, 2021 that showed an increased risk of blood clotting and low platelets in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Some scientists hypothesize that since the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the shot causes a full body reaction, once the vaccine comes into contact with platelets inside the human body, the vaccine activates those platelets, causing them to change shape and transmit chemical signals to the immune system. Those platelets send out platelet factor 4 (PF4), which regulates blood clotting.

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