Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Is New Technology Leading To Increased Surveillance ?

Covid Tech Opens Door To Massive Surveillance


I work within the security industry.

One newer piece of technology that we can now install is AI fever monitoring cameras. Many buildings throughout the US now have a camera with thermal capabilities monitoring your every move when you walk in.

Should you be deemed somebody with a temperature outside of the preset bounds, the system will use facial recognition to lock onto you. As you travel throughout the facility, security staff/management is notified.

Must you tell every business owner from here on all your recent health history to be admitted into the building? In the future, do I have to reveal every medical procedure I've had? Do I also have to report my sexual history, what foods I eat, and other private information before being allowed inside?

Consider the invasions of privacy that come from the utilization of thermal technology.

Do HIPAA requirements apply here at all?

What happens if it's discovered that heart rate is linked with an infectious disease? Will we then incorporate heart rate monitors throughout our facility? I hope you don't get nervous speaking to that person you find attractive. What if an employee who doesn't like you works the cameras? Isn't that a violation of privacy?

Privacy is foundational to freedom

The Founding Fathers of America fully understood the importance of privacy when it came to freedom. It's for this reason that the Fourth Amendment was written.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..."

Is it not a violation of the Fourth Amendment for someone to use a camera to collect your biometrics without your consent? Are you secure in your person and effects in such a case? Are we now subject to rights violations each time we enter a grocery store, doctor's office, or gas station? Does modern American society demand that our rights be violated so that we can live within that society?

Surveillance of US citizens and sensitive data collection reached epic proportions

COVID tech used to monitor the American people during the past year and a half collected more sensitive data than ever before.

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