Sunday, May 9, 2021

'So The Obvious Question Is....Why?

Globalists launch all-out assault on children

This has been the globalist agenda all along, much of it embedded in the United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development. But we are just now seeing the fruits of decades of schemes devised by some of the world’s most satanically inspired men and women. 

United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal number 3.8 demands “affordable, life-saving vaccines for all.”  

The Biden regime is not led by original thinkers. They merely follow the globalist agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum, the Vatican and the United Nations. Biden made it clear in his May 4 speech that as soon as the FDA gives Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental vaccines to be given to children, he will direct the medical establishment to “immediately” start giving the shots to kids ages 11 to 15. That could come as early as next week with approval for children even younger expected by the fall. Biden said the shots would be administered through pediatricians’ offices.

While waiting for their experimental shots, these kids are at the mercy of the CDC, a corrupt, criminal enterprise, totally infiltrated by Marxists and globalists. The CDC recently released its “guidelines” for children’s summer camps. They said children should wear two masks at all times, even outdoors, and divide into “cohorts,” keeping at least three feet away from each other at all times. Masks should never be removed unless the child is swimming or eating.

Is this a humane way to treat a child who, if somehow gets infected with COVID while playing outdoors, has a 99.98 percent chance of beating it. When kids get it, they tend to be asymptomatic, and study after study has shown that asymptomatic carriers of this virus almost never transmit it to others.

So the obvious question is, why?

Why the push to vaccinate children for a disease that almost never kills them with a vaccine that isn’t even fully approved by the FDA and has no track record of long-term data by which to assess its impact on their health five or 10 or 20 years down the road?

It simply makes no sense.

When the puzzle doesn’t fit, you look for the missing piece.

Is it sterilization, which many doctors have said is a risk with these vaccines?

Is it simply to get the younger generation conditioned to accept annual injections as a pre-condition for work, travel, going to shops and restaurants? To accept the extremely anti-America idea that responsible citizens will depend on a digital passport issued by those in “authority” that certifies them as fit to participate in society?

The globalists who control Biden see COVID  as an opportunity. They need to reduce the economic independence of the rural population, drive them off their land, steal their wealth and along with it their independence.

That’s why Bill Gates, George Soros and the Chinese are buying up America’s rural farmland.

They can only achieve this by making these rural Americans scared, confused, sick and broke.

Enter COVID-19, fearmongering, unproven “vaccines” and digital health passports and you have the perfect antidote to independent middle-class American life. And, while they are at it, why not indoctrinate their children so that they will grow up to hate their parents and the ideals they possess?

The passports, set up as an app on your smartphone, will allow the technocrats to know where you go and when; how much energy and resources you burn to get there; how much meat you are consuming and other lifestyle choices deemed sinful by the globalist elites.

Businesses are already experimenting with a bracelet, called the Immunaband, which contains a scanable QR code that will notify arenas, airlines, restaurants and other venues if the customer is vaccinated or not at the point of entry.

This will be the new Yellow Star system that separates the clean from the unclean, those who submit unquestioningly to globalist government dictates from those who research whether what they are being told is actually true.

The globalists aim to separate, categorize and surveil people which they pigeonhole into different groups based on how willing they are to obey whatever government/media narrative is being pushed. This is the Chinese social credit system being launched before our very eyes, here in the land of the free and home of the brave.

We will soon find out soon just how many brave souls are left in America

Fauci, the modern-day Dr. Mengele

Everything about modern society discourages independent thinking. We are taught in school, in the media, by Dr. Anthony Fauci, to just shut up and obey. Put on your mask, stand on the X, get your shot. Don’t ask why or if the purported reason lines up with the facts of the circumstances, just shut up and do it. Why? Because they said so. To ask them to show their data makes you a science denier.

Under Fauci’s leadership, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has spent more than $400,000 funding grisly experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted babies onto living rats and mice

The research, published last fall in the journal Nature, was performed by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If ALL is reputed to be true, why are the populace being blackmailed into succumbing to all the smokes & screens with vaccine experiments, division, fear propaganda, and instead not hearing those that keep this germ-warfare alive are still free to continue their Hitler madness???

We have been attacked, American's need answers, not be concerned (IMO), the possibility exists our National Security failed with germ warfare sent, and possibly more failures to come, our sinister invader's are free to do more harm, promote more fear, or to try using poisons to enslave us, depopulate us, in my opinion! Unacceptable laid out thus far are answers Americans must hear, instead of viruses sent, experimental vaccines in order, and now lockstep passports in progress? What, Really, and stop the madness people, this is like Hitler all over again on a scale unheard of, in my opinion! Never should of been allowed!