Saturday, May 8, 2021

Collectivism And Medicine

Medical Collectivism is Killing Medicine

Daniel Greenfield

182,000 coronavirus deaths, a third of the nation’s death toll, have come out of nursing homes.

In Pennsylvania, 50% of the deaths happened in nursing homes. But former Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rick Levine, who ordered nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients, but took his own mother out, was picked by Biden as his assistant health secretary.

13,089 dead Pennsylvania grandpas and grandmas are one more statistic and, as one great socialist leader said, one death is a tragedy, and a million deaths are a statistic. The pandemic has generated many tragedies and more statistics. And medical collectivism runs on statistics.

Medicine had been steadily collectivized by the government and by corporations into a system for dispensing ideal and inexpensive outcomes for private and public insurance patients. When your doctor spends more time checking his questionnaire on a computer or tablet than interacting with you, that’s medical collectivism in action. And he has as little choice in that regard as the desk employee at a hotel chain or the checkout girl at your supermarket.

American medicine is, like everything else, another pipeline for a big data machine. Its workers are pollsters and census workers tasked with collecting statistics to feed into the machine.

We’re all numbers on someone’s machine in a system built on collective outcomes, but collectivism is especially dangerous in a medical system that strips away the traditional role of doctors, and treats the doctor-patient relationship like any other government or corporate interaction where optimizing collective outcomes means ignoring individual uniqueness.

The fallacy of collectivism is that universal compliance is more important than individual initiative. The Soviet Union demonstrated how disastrous collectivism in agriculture, industry, and science was. The early days of the computer revolution showed how corporate collectivism had crippled our own industries, only for the children of the tech revolution to turn collectivist.

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