With the Pentagon recently warning that 5 Chinese war ships were seen off of the coast of Alaska, we take a look at an alarming story from AINonline that tells us on very late notice from the Department of Defense, ADS-B Surveillance and TCAS operations over Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida
might become 'unreliable' as of 1 a.m. September 2nd.
The National Airspace System
has told the FAA that they need much more notice for such military exercises that we learn here will go on until October 1st and will cover up to 200 miles off of the East coast. As the 1st two videos below from Spiro and Professor Doom1tell us, this new information should be a major alert for the entire East coast and anyone at all who is paying attention.
Why would the US military suddenly need to run such exercises off of the East coast of America and on such very short notice? Does this have anything to do with the 1st time ever China war ships seen off of the coast of Alaska? Is all of this tied to the mysterious explosions that we have recently seen in China and the escalating hostile rhetoric, cyberattacks and financial warfare between the two nations? Following the 1st two videos below we take a look at recent reports of Chinese warships seen off the coast of Alaska as well as a video examining what appears to be World War 3 unfolding before our very eyes.
The National Airspace System
Why would the US military suddenly need to run such exercises off of the East coast of America and on such very short notice? Does this have anything to do with the 1st time ever China war ships seen off of the coast of Alaska? Is all of this tied to the mysterious explosions that we have recently seen in China and the escalating hostile rhetoric, cyberattacks and financial warfare between the two nations? Following the 1st two videos below we take a look at recent reports of Chinese warships seen off the coast of Alaska as well as a video examining what appears to be World War 3 unfolding before our very eyes.
Why should we be so concerned about these last minute military drills that will shut down the eyes and ears of much of the East Coast in September? As Professor Doom points out, with everything else that has been going on in recently including wellness checks in South Carolina, countless military drills coming out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina and nuclear apocalypse drills in Florida, do they know that something bad is about to occur? You can check out the FAA's announcement of these exercises here.
With Russian spy ships recently reported to be operating off of the East Coast while they've also been conducting long-range bomber exercises near US shores and off of the Gulf of Mexico, are we about to witness a major escalation of hostilities towards the US by China, Russia or other hostile entities such as North Korea? As our videographers point out, there is something very strange about these 'drills'.
In the 4th video below fromTruthNeverTold , we hear that Henry Kissinger predicted World War 3 with China. Are all of these recent developments more signs that Kissinger's warning is about to come true? Why would the US military broadcast these outages to the world over the next month, possibly giving our enemies an opportunity to take advantage
of this situation to do us harm? Coming during the last 2 weeks of Jade Helm 15 and lasting until two weeks after the exercises are supposed to wrap
up, the timing of all of this is crucial we can see.
With Russian spy ships recently reported to be operating off of the East Coast while they've also been conducting long-range bomber exercises near US shores and off of the Gulf of Mexico, are we about to witness a major escalation of hostilities towards the US by China, Russia or other hostile entities such as North Korea? As our videographers point out, there is something very strange about these 'drills'.
In the 4th video below fromTruthNeverTold , we hear that Henry Kissinger predicted World War 3 with China. Are all of these recent developments more signs that Kissinger's warning is about to come true? Why would the US military broadcast these outages to the world over the next month, possibly giving our enemies an opportunity to take advantage
Washington’s policy in the South China Sea, Ukraine and Syria has been a “failure,” pushing Moscow and Beijing closer together to counter a unipolar world, said Daniel Patrick Welch, an activist and outspoken critic of US foreign policy, Press TV reported.
“Russia and China are seen as a threat and their combination, their continuing alliance is a huge threat to the US Empire,” said Patrick Welch.
Welch called the US foreign policy goals in Eurasia “disastrous and murderous,” bringing Russia and China closer together and threatening American hegemony.
The US embarrassing cyber-attacks in recent months and the revelations of Edward Snowden disclosing that Washington spied on countries including on allies, further damaged the US image around the world.
“This is an amazing failure of US foreign policy which is doing the opposite of what it’s trying to do,” Welch said.
Several American officials said on Monday that the United States is considering sanctions against both Russian and Chinese individuals and companies for supposed cyber-attacks against US trade secrets.
Obama Secures Rubber Stamp for Iran Deal Catastrophe | Frontpage Mag
Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland has pushed President Obama's nuclear appeasement deal with Iran over the top. With her decision to vote in favor of the deal, Obama now has the support of the 34 senators he needs to uphold his expected veto of a congressional resolution of disapproval. If enough craven Democrats back a planned filibuster to prevent a vote on the floor of the Senate, Obama will not even have to use his veto pen.
The nightmare of a financially secure nuclear armed Iran, legitimized by the Obama administration and its international partners, is about to envelop us.
Ironically, Obama warned in a speech he delivered on September 1st in Alaska that a potentially bleak future could lie ahead, in which "there’s not going to be a nation on this Earth that’s not impacted negatively.”
“People will suffer,” Obama said. “Economies will suffer. Entire nations will find themselves under severe, severe problems...more conflict."
President Obama is right to be concerned about the future, but his stated reason for his concern is entirely misplaced. Obama was talking about climate change, which he considers to be a man-made disaster. In truth, Obama himself has created a far more imminent disaster with his nuclear deal.
In his climate change speech, Obama spoke about our “grandkids” who “deserve to live lives free from fear, and want, and peril.” He added that we need to prove “we care about them and their long-term futures, not just short-term political expediency.”
Obama, and the partisan loyalists who support him no matter what, are the ones letting down our grandkids. They are the ones who have sacrificed our grandkids’ long-term futures at the altar of short-term political expediency. The only long-term future that Obama is interested in is his own legacy.
By President Obama's own admission, no later than 15 years from now – when my granddaughter will be just 18 years old - Iran will be in a position to develop enough enriched materials to produce nuclear bombs with virtually no "break-out" time. The deal’s major nuclear restrictions, such as they are, will have gone away, even assuming that Iran had not cheated in the meantime.
The deal’s inspection mechanism is a farce, including most notably, Iran’s self-inspection of its military site where it is suspected that nuclear weaponization research and development work was carried out. The military facility at Parchin is off-limits to onsite inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Yet the Obama administration continues to lie to the American people about how comprehensive the IAEA inspections will be. Secretary of State John Kerry tweeted this falsehood on September 2nd: "With this #IranDeal, the IAEA can go wherever the evidence leads. No facility...will be off limits." The Iranian leaders also will get their hands soon on hundreds of billions of dollars. No doubt they will use some of their treasure trove from sanctions relief to fund their terrorist proxies all over the world.
Obama admitted in his speech defending his deal last month at American University that monies from sanctions relief “will flow to activities we object to.” He acknowledged that “Iran supports terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. It supports proxy groups that threaten our interests and the interests of our allies – including proxy groups who killed our troops in Iraq. They try to destabilize our Gulf partners.”
Much of the rest of the Iranians’ windfall from sanctions relief will go towards developing and acquiring, from North Korea, Russia and other sources, advanced military technology and long-range missiles.
Iran’s leaders have made it abundantly clear that they do not consider themselves bound by either the 5-year UN Security Council arms embargo or the 8-year missile embargo. For example, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani declared: “We will buy, sell and develop any weapons we need and we will not ask for permission or abide by any [U.N.] resolution for that.”
Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said last month that “We are considering the design, research, and production of [missiles] that are highly destructive, highly accurate, radar evasive, and tactical.” The Iranian thugs are not limiting themselves to purely defensive weapons. “They (the US and the Zionists) should know that the Islamic Revolution will continue enhancing its preparedness until it overthrows Israel and liberates Palestine,” said Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini, the IRGC’s top commander in the Tehran Province (as quoted by Iran’s Fars News Agency). “We will continue defending not just our own country, but also all the oppressed people of the world, especially those countries that are standing on the forefront of confrontation with the Zionists,” he added.
A sobering report was just released by the Iran Strategy Council, led by retired generals Chuck Wald (Commandant of Marine Corps) and James Conway (Deputy Commander of European Command). It warns of the deal's likely dangers to America’s own national security and of the “cascading instability” it will produce in the Middle East region and beyond:
"The final agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has potentially grave strategic implications that directly threaten to undermine the national security of the United States and our closest regional allies. By allowing Iran to become a nuclear threshold state and enabling it to become more powerful and expand its influence and destabilizing activities – across the Middle East and possibly directly threatening the U.S. homeland – the JCPOA will place the United States in far worse position to prevent a nuclear Iran."
The report's authors predict that the "nightmare scenarios of WMD and terrorism on the soil of the United States and its allies will become more probable."
Nevertheless, the Obama administration is spiking the ball, exulting over its evident victory in keeping enough Democratic senators on board to protect Obama’s deal.
Kerry, who turned on his own fellow soldiers during the Vietnam War, tweeted: "I have had the privilege of serving our country in times of peace and in times of war—and peace is better."
When Neville Chamberlain returned from Germany with his infamous Munich Pact in hand, he declared: “I believe it is peace for our time...Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."
The long nightmare of World War II ensued shortly thereafter. Thanks to Barack Obama and John Kerry, we are entering the nightmare leading inevitably to an emboldened, well-funded Iran equipped with nuclear arms and the missiles to deliver them.
Wow! Thanks for this Scott. Just way too much happening too far from the normal for this be completely unrelated. The back of my mind keeps screaming that this could not be occurring in complete secrecy here with a military command complying with their Oath.
Anybody that's spent any serious time investigating some this mess has to be convinced of at least some accuracy and major deviation from normal.
Because we're here, at this site, probably means we're aware the "times" we're in.
At this home, there is going to be some serious Knee Mail going out regarding His will for this family, what we may need to do to be prepared, supplied, and equipped to survive and do our job during this period before Jesus comes in the clouds. Oh happy day!
Oh boy, headed to the SC beach for family vacation soon. Might find myself on the front lines. LOL Yes September is going to be interesting. I'm still trusting/hoping for a September rapture and the potential impending start of WW III again fits that narrative. If not September it surely will be soon. If I don't see you all in the air don't forget we are meeting at the tree of life! Ready to fly! Even so come Lord Jesus!
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