Sunday, September 13, 2015

Inching Closer And Closer To The War Of Gog-Magog

The recent movements by Russia are of great interest - as they set up a base in the Damascus area while bolstering ties with Syria and Iran. It is impossible to ignore Isaiah 17 and the epic battle of Ezekiel 38-39 looming as we watch these recent events transpire:

More than a fortnight ago, Russian President Vladimir put a proposition to Israel for Moscow to undertake responsibility for guarding Israel’s Mediterranean gas fields, along with the offer of a Russian investment of $7-10 billion for developing Leviathan...The offer was made to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in confidential phone conversations and through quiet envoys.

At the time, Putin did not share with Netanyahu his plans for an imminent buildup of marines, air force units, warships and missiles in Syria, although the plan had been worked out in detail with Tehran in late July.
The Russian ruler put it this way: Leviathan abuts on the fringes of Lebanon’s economic water zone and is therefore vulnerable to potential sabotage by Iran, Syria or Hizballah, whether by commando or rocket attack.

Russian forces are streaming to Latakia, and Moscow has declared the area from Tartous, Syria up to Cyprus closed to shipping and air traffic from Sept. 15 to Oct. 7 in view of a “military exercise including test firings of guided missiles” from Russian warships.
When he offered a shield for Israeli gas fields in late August, The Russian ruler knew that implementation would rest with Russian military forces on the spot, rather than Iranian and Syrian reluctance to harm Russian interests.

Then, on Aug. 30, Netanyahu discussed the new Russian proposition with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi when they met in Florence, in the context of the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s involvement in Middle Eastern and European energy business and his close ties with Putin.
Berlusconi and Netanyahu are also good friends.

The Israeli prime minister never explicitly confirmed to Putin that he would consider the Russian transaction.
He hesitated because he sensed that a deal with Moscow for gas projects would be unacceptable to Washington and Noble Energy of Texas, which holds a 39.66 percent share in the consortium controlling Leviathan, as well as stakes in the smaller Tanin and Tamar gas wells.

Netanyahu began to appreciate that, not only had Israel’s military and strategic situation with regard to Syria and the eastern Mediterranean been stood on its head, so too had foreign investment prospects for development projects in Israeli gas.

Israel’s strategic landscape had in fact changed radically in four respects:

1.  Its government can no longer accept as a working hypothesis (which never, incidentally, held up) the short term expectancy of the Assad regime. The injection of Russian military might, combined with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces, have given Assad a substantial lease of life.
The Israel Defense Forces must therefore revamp its posture on the Syrian front, and reassess its sponsorship of the select rebel groups which are holding the line in southern Syria against hostile Iranian or Hizballah cross-border attacks on northern Israel.

2.  The new Russian ground, air and sea buildup taking shape in Syria provides a shield not just for the Assad regime but also Hizballah. This too calls for changes in Israel’s military posture.

3.  The Russian military presence in Syria seriously inhibits Israel’s flexibility for launching military action against Iranian or Hizballah targets when needed.

4. Three aspects of the new situation stand out prominently:

a)  The Russian air force and navy are the strongest foreign military force in the eastern Mediterranean. The US deplloys nothing comparable.

b)  Israel’s military strength is substantial but no one is looking for a military clash with the Russians, although this did occur four decades ago, when Israel was fighting for its life against Russian-backed Arab invasions.

c)  In view of the prevalence of the Russian military presence in the eastern Mediterranean, it is hard to see any foreign investor coming forward to sink billions of dollars in Israeli gas.

d)  Although Russia called Saturday, Sept. 12, for “military-to-military cooperation with the United States” to avert "unintended incidents" amid its naval "exercises" off the coast of Syria, the tone of the call was cynical. It is more than likely that Moscow may revert to the original Putin offer of a Russian defense shield for Israeli gas fields. But with such strong Russian cards in place in Syria, he may well stiffen his terms for this deal.

In a white tent set up not far from the border with Jordan - very similar to the tent that hosted the ceremony for the signing of the peace treaty with Jordan 21 years ago in Ein Evrona, the small Arava town just a few kilometers north of Eilat - a number of army officers, environmental experts, and intelligence officials gathered for a meeting that included a surprise stop by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, and Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz.

In years past, Hamas operatives from Gaza sought to enter the Sinai Peninsula, from where they would seek to infiltrate Israel in order to carry out attacks. That route was closely watched by Israeli intelligence experts until the completion of the fence along the Egyptian border. The barrier has almost completely sealed Israel off from drug smugglers, African refugees and economic migrants, women traffickers, and, of course, terrorists.

Nowadays, the fence has proven to be a necessity given the fact that some violent Beduin tribes from Sinai have joined Islamic State. It allows Israel to better prepare in dealing with a hostile Islamist element currently fighting the Egyptian authorities in an area that is supposed to be demilitarized as per the terms of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. These elements can just as easily try to do harm to Israel as part of its campaign against President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, either in an attempt to undermine the cold peace with Israel or simply out of an Islamist ideology that loathes Jews.

Now that the Gaza-Sinai-Israel path has been blocked off, the terrorists will seek an alternate route. It begins in Gaza, continues into Sinai, and, from there, heads further east into Jordan. Then the route takes a northward turn along the rusty, barbed-wire fence that runs along the frontier with Israel. 

Initially, it will be criminals seeking to smuggle in drugs, contraband, and women. Intelligence officials are now warning that terrorists are soon to follow.

This is exactly what Netanyahu wanted to hear - a reason justifying his decision to build a fence. The first section of the fence will stretch from the Red Sea resort town of Eilat to Timna. Initially, the pretext for the fence was to build a barrier that would defend the airport that is expected to be built there. Overall, however, this is the Netanyahu Doctrine - build a high fence to keep the bad neighbors out, or neighbors that could turn bad later on. 

Israel is entering a sensitive, problematic situation diplomacy-wise. Everyone knows the real reason behind the building of this fence - the very real fear that Jordan will collapse. This scenario is not far-fetched. In fact, it is Israel’s nightmare. 

The Jordanians have protected the border effectively and admirably since 1994. It has proven its worth both from an intelligence standpoint as well as its security capabilities, with no infiltrations by armed terrorists. But given the wave of Islamism in the region, it’s doubtful Jordan can survive as presently constituted. It’s a subject that’s completely taboo, certainly among senior defense and government officials, but it’s the bitter truth (at least, potentially).

Amos Gilad, the head of the Defense Ministry’s diplomatic-security branch, spoke of the regional turbulence during a lecture on counterterrorism at a conference hosted by the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. He speculated that the brutality and unscrupulousness of ISIS would drag the United States and the West into a bitter war.

He argued that if ISIS - which is currently operating in Iraq and Syria - were to be forced out of its current positions by the rebels or troops loyal to Bashar Assad, its next move would most likely be to head south toward Jordan. Gilad noted that Jordan currently shares a border with ISIS from the east and al-Qaida from the north. Al-Qaida has taken control of swathes of the Golan Heights, so Israel is also mired in this mess.
On the Israeli Right, there are those who murmur that Jordan is Palestine, but it would be more accurate to say that Jordan may soon become ISIS-stan. That’s why Israel not only needs a fence, but it also needs a quiet, discreet diplomatic initiative that will help King Abdullah gain some much-needed domestic stability. 

If Netanyahu’s plans are to be fully realized, then Israel will have to deal with another potential landmine - a fence that will run from the Dead Sea northward until the tripartite border with Jordan and Syria. Not only would this be a fence, but it would also be a clear political and diplomatic statement - Israel is demarcating its eastern border. Period. 

Such a move would serve as a pretext for a diplomatic crisis that could perhaps trigger a military confrontation. Israel would then need the support of the United States, or, at least its tacit approval. For that, it needs direct channels of communication, mutual understanding, and a respect for one’s sensibilities. These are elements that are lacking in the relationship between Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama.

For the past several weeks it seemed as if Germany had truly become the promised land for Mideast asylum seekers, primarily those seeking to escape the Syrian civil (and global proxy) war, but according to various media reports, also a material number of "ISIS-linked terrorists." Then it all came crashing down earlier today when Germany's beloved by all refugees "Mutti" said genug, and with one decision shut down the border with Austria in the process unraveling decades of customs-union progress (following promptly by the Czech Republic doing the same, with Italy expected to follow suit in the hours ahead). 

Ironically, just as Europe is shutting its doors to Syrian refugees, the US is opening its own.
On Friday, Obama said that the United States will admit 10,000 Syrian refugees for resettlement over the next 12 months, following criticism that America is not doing enough with Europe's migrant crisis.
How will this take place logistically? As AFP notes, "this would represent a huge increase in the number of families arriving on US soil. In the more that four years since fighting erupted barely 1,800 Syrians have been welcomed here." Which is why the French wire service did a brief summary of the various steps involved in admitting a record number of Syrians on US soil.

But the most important question on the minds of most Americans is the following:
  • Where will the "lucky" 10,000 Syrian refugees go? 
Well, once refugees are approved, the State Department pays the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to fly them to the United States.  Refugees sign a promissory note to repay their airfare once they are established, and they are met at the airport by members of one of nine non-government resettlement agencies contracted by the State Department.
There are around 180 resettlement centers dispersed across the United States, where NGO workers help the new arrivals settle in and find work and accommodation in their first 30 to 90 days.
Those who have relatives in the United States will sometimes be assigned to live near them, and most go to cities like Atlanta, San Diego or Dallas where rents are more affordable than in New York or San Francisco.
Others end up in smaller cities like Boise, Idaho or Erie, Pennsylvania, but regardless of where they are taken they are free to move once they find their footing. After 90 days new arrivals are no longer eligible for the State Department-funded support through the resettlement agencies, but some join support programs run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Germany re-imposed border controls on Sunday after Europe's most powerful nation acknowledged it could scarcely cope with thousands of asylum seekers arriving every day. 
A day before deeply divided European Union ministers tackle the migrant crisis, the U.N. refugee agency also called on every member state to take in a share of asylum-seekers under a Brussels plan which some countries are fiercely resisting.
Berlin announced that the temporary measure would be taken first on the southern frontier with Austria, where migrant arrivals have soared since Chancellor Angela Merkel effectively opened German borders to refugees a week ago.
"The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country," said German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere. 
Open borders among the European countries which signed the Schengen Treaty are a crucial part of the EU project, but controls can be re-introduced, provided they are only temporary.
At an emergency meeting on Monday, interior ministers from the EU's 28 member states will discuss Commission proposals to redistribute about 160,000 asylum seekers across the bloc.
EU envoys meeting on Sunday evening in Brussels failed to break the deadlock, with some eastern states still refusing to accept binding quotas of refugees. They argue the plan will draw more people to Europe and disrupt their homogeneous societies.
Amid the political bickering among European governments, the crisis claimed yet more lives. On Sunday 34 refugees, almost half of them babies and children, drowned off a Greek island when their boat sank, the coast guard said.
Germany, Europe's largest and richest economy, has become a magnet for migrants making journeys by sea and land, often via Turkey and the Greek islands, and then onwards through the Balkans, Hungary and Austria. Police said around 13,000 arrived in the southern German city of Munich alone on Saturday, and another 3,000 on Sunday morning.
Now Germany has joined smaller and poorer countries such as Greece and Hungary that are struggling to manage the huge flow of desperate people.

As trains for Germany were stopped, groups of refugees and migrants camped out in an underground carpark in the Austrian city of Salzburg, near the border. Traffic backed up along one of the highways between the two countries.

Germany made clear it wanted EU partners to share the burden of welcoming thousands of refugees.
"It's true: the European lack of action in the refugee crisis is now pushing even Germany to the limit of its ability," Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who is also vice-chancellor, told the website of Der Tagesspiegel newspaper.

 A series of earthquakes, including one of magnitude 6.6, struck in waters off the west coast of Mexico early on Sunday, but there were no immediate reports of any damage.
The 6.6 magnitude quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey initially reported at a magnitude of 6.8, struck at sea around 106 km (66 miles) southwest of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, at a depth of 10 km.
There were three other smaller quakes nearby, ranging in magnitude from 4.9 to 5.3.
"The biggest one felt reasonably strong, but there have been no reports of damage," an emergency services official said by telephone from Los Mochis, which is located in northern Sinaloa, and sits across the Gulf of California from the south of the Baja California peninsula.


Anonymous said...

Do you just love Putin , he knows EXACTLY what the illuminati controlled western governments are up to and check mates them EVERYTIME , but sooner or later , and it will be sooner , all this baiting of proxy wars will turn into world war , you have to be blind not to see it building up , eventually , the world war which the powers to be that control our governments want , will begin , it has already , but in proxy wars , but soon , next year , it will turn into global war

Mrs.C said...

Forgive me, but please share where Scripture says that there will be a "global war" let alone it will occur "next year"? Russia will be irrelevant after the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion. They will be obliterated by God Himself.

Scott said...

I agree but i bet a lot if people ( press etc) will incorrectly refer to it as global in nature since it will involve all the usual players up front but will see the US and Europe working behind the scenes etc. Should be interesting thats for sure

Anonymous said...

Ok , the main global players ! Unbelievable

Anonymous said...

world war 1 and ww2 are not in scripture ! Did they happen ?

Anonymous said...

Quick revelation , not everything that happens in the world is in scripture , wow !

Mrs.C said...

Yes Mark, WW1 & 2 were not in Scripture, kinda knew you would bring that up :) Neither was any other number of wars. However, we are focusing on Gods Prophetic Word, not the worlds view of things. Gods Prophetic events are all that matters, and Israel for example, wasnt even established when the previous WW's occurred. We see very clearly Prophecy being fulfilled before us, and know the "season" in which we are living. We know from His Word the players, and events that are to happen, and they are all in place, the stage is set. Israel will be and always has been the key to Gods Prophetic Word. Russia will indeed be obliterated by God Himself in the not too distant future. We know the events that are soon to take place, and Gods Word says nothing about a WW stuck in the middle of it.

Unknown said...

Mark & Mrs c.....are both rt.what all parties have to say matters

Waterer said...

I agree Mike. But I do think the ww's were pointed to in Scripture in Matt 24 with Jesus saying the when you see nation against nation kingdom against kingdom would trigger the beginning of birth pangs. Until that phrase He says it is not yet the end . But when he gets to When you see kingdom against kingdom He ends it with beginning of Birthpangs. Certainly He used the wars to put Israel together. They are not yet repentant but that will come later. My question would be the horses that are specifically used in Gog Magog war. I don't believe it is machines though the weapons will be used for fuel in Israel after the conflict is abruptly ended by the Lord. That is a piece I don't see yet in place in terms of that very specific War. It could be that the next sign fulfilled will be a blackout that was prophesied that the sun would be darkened before the day of the Lord. That phrase is used for the whole tribulation. There are several blackouts in the line up but one is before the Day of the Lord. Perhaps ( Just musing) this will lead to the need for horses. Also it seems to me that the judgment that comes in Syria also includes Moab. This has puzzled me because Jordan has been a good neighbor. Specifically the judgement is for cruelty. That makes me think Isis may succeed in ways we have yet to see. Certainly they are VERY cruel. I totally agree with others that we are to keep busy with our calls to serve Him and others with an eye on the door but not in fear of what is going on out there. But in hopes of His arrival. There could of course be other wars not written about but they are no longer main road markers . We have entered the labor for the coming of the kingdom of God.

Peter said...

I believe that all celestial disturbance events are the same singular event.

Unknown said...

I agree with Waterer in that WWI was the beginning of the end....but that's my very humble opinion. If we are blessed enough to be removed in the near future and we had the benefit of hindsight, the things that are happening now would be so obvious looking back. Nothing may happen, but goodness, everything is set up. I'm ready, as I know most that check this site are! Soon brothers and sisters, soon.

Unknown said...

Waterer beautifully said,not all things are for us to understand rt now.(do time)

Mrs.C said...

Forgive me Sister Waterer, but you appear to be confusing two different events. The Ezekiel 38/39 invasion, does not take place during the Tribulation. Jesus in Matthew 24 is speaking to the Jewish Believers of the Tribulation. For us, His Church, we see the signs/of events, knowing that these lead up to the beginning of Tribulation and we know that the Rapture is even closer because it precedes the Tribulation.
We also know that the Isaiah 17 war, and the quickly following Ezekiel 38 invasion, occur before the Tribulation. The Isaiah 17 war will devastate Israel, Gods Word tells us "desolation", with only He Himself stepping in to save them from completely being destroyed. Isaiah 17 isnt just about Damascus, but also Jordan, and the West Bank are going down too, along with the evil enemy nations surrounding Israel.
This war will leave the Israel and the near by nations in a primitive state. Gods Word tells us that with the Ezekiel 38 invasion, they are on horses, and prior to that immediate invasion, His People have to gather wood from the forests.
An EMP attack during the Isaiah 17 war for example, could knock out power etc. Israel does not fight in the Ezekiel 38 invasion, they are sitting ducks, wounded, helpless.It is God, and God alone who destroys the invading forces.More importantly are Gods Purposes with Isaiah 17 & Ezekiel 38. He is returning to His People, He restores His Covenant with them, we the Church are gone...

Waterer said...

Dear Mrs C,
I agree with you. I know these things precede the tribulation. I was meaning to address the conversation that wars were not in Scripture. I think they were referred to as a sign by Jesus and that they were in Scripture. As for a WW3 I do not see anything but WW 1 would have fulfilled the nation against nation thing. WW2 sealed it. SO I do not know if there will be more world wars. We have regional wars constantly but World War was unique.
I believe that the Syrian War comes first then Gog Magog and that they precede the Tribulation. What I cannot see as yet is how the One World government will take shape . It seems to be coming into view and yet the Wars feel like they are daily threats with no follow through. I certainly see how our US policies have us diminished as a world power. We have wealth but we do not have the will to defend liberty or protect the innocent that we once felt as our duty . IN this I can see that we like the rest of the world discourage Gog from his war but will not lift a finger to stop it. Thankfully God is God and He has all times and purposes in His hands. He will defend Israel from that invasion and turn their hearts to Him. It is the prediction of the Syrian War and the Gog Magog clean up ( a whole little town is established and named) that keep me feeling that it is close but not yet. I know there are not signs for the rapture but it too is a mystery. Always love discussions and will look again at the teaching in Matt. I see we differ in thinking it was just about Israel. I am not so sure about that. Happy to hear why you think so.

Waterer said...

Peter, You may be right and perhaps the blackout is just before Jesus comes to earth but one of the OT prophecies use the BEFoRE word and Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is certainly all one seven year time period but not so sure about the blackouts all being one. But I am little in these things and am still trying to understand things I have never seen.. Like all of us, I long for His coming.