Thursday, August 8, 2024

UK Labour Politician Arrested for Calling to “Cut the Throats” of Anti-Immigration Protestors

UK Labour Politician Arrested for Calling to “Cut the Throats” of Anti-Immigration Protestors

UK city councillor Ricky Jones was suspended from the Labour Party after calling to “cut all their throats and get rid of them all!” at a protest against the “far-right” in Walthamstow. As British media and politicians sought to blame activist Tommy Robinson for the spontaneous outbreak of protests across the UK following the massacre of 3 innocent young girls by a 17-year-old Rwandan,  Robinson released a video showing all the times he has called for peace.

Jones launched into his unhinged tirade at “a not-so-peaceful anti-racist protest in Walthamstow yesterday,” Guido Fawkes wrote, “branding the “disgusting nasty fascists” as deserving of violent retribution, declaring, We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”. He finished his rant with chants of “free Palestine.”

This call to arms was met with cheers and applause from the crowd—one of whom, ironically, was sporting an Amnesty shirt. Jones had been a Labour councillor for Dartford since 2019. He has now been administratively suspended from the Party.”

US journalist Andy Ngo, who has been traveling through Britain’s midlands to document the unrest, first broke the story.

After numerous users called out the double standard following numerous arrests of people charged with “inciting far-right violence,” Andy Ngo reported that Jones “has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder for a celebrated speech he gave at the Walthamstow, London antifa and leftist protest yesterday.”

Ngo traveled to Birmingham, where mobs of masked Muslims had been given free rein to rampage.

As the public witnesses mob violence on the streets of English towns, the legacy media uses euphemisms to obscure the violent "Muslim patrols" carrying out some of that vigilante violence. I went to the area of Birmingham where just a day earlier, masked Muslims in black carried out political violence in the name of Allah. Police stayed away.


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