Sunday, August 18, 2024

Terry James: Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism

Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism
Terry James

A number of reports coming across my research in the sudden seeming collapse of US and world economic conditions, make it clear that, now, the long-feared disaster has begun. There would be no stopping the total collapse from happening, although it might take some time coming.

This continues to be the conclusion by even some folks who look at such matters through the prism of Bible prophecy. This collapse will bring on the globalists’ desire to begin instituting the Great Reset that’s been long desired by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) sorts. This means the Tribulation is about to begin, or maybe has begun.

We can next expect the beginning of the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy. That includes the Antichrist’s rise to power and Israel being assaulted. This will result in the catastrophes outlined throughout the book of Revelation.

Agreed. When the Tribulation begins, the severity of God’s judgment and wrath will increase in intensity, and the planet will reel from the resulting carnage. Antichrist will more or less rule for a time, and Israel will become the object of Satan’s full-scale wickedness as he strives to destroy God’s chosen nation.

The WEF and others of that organization’s ilk are making great strides toward constructing the New World Order long advocated by one-world architects such as the now-deceased David Rockefeller. As a matter of fact, that progress was so aggressively pursued that I believe they were getting ahead of God’s governance. That is, they exceeded their allowed evil progression—at least time-wise.

And that’s why I titled this commentary “Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism.”

My thinking on all this involves the American political left. That is the ideology–perhaps better stated, the “theology”—of the extreme left on the political spectrum of America and the world.

It is indeed a theological drive toward removing God’s supremacy and installing the luciferian authority embraced by these people and their activities. Each political nuance pursued by that fanatic element is focused on evil continually. That is, the adherents to the woke insanity, for example, accept every form of wickedness God’s Word says goes against His holiness and His will for humankind. God has thus given them over to the “reprobate mind” of Romans 1:28.

 I maintain that the evil coming from the leftist ideology/theology has just been handed an astounding restraint by the backhand of the Lord of Heaven and earth. Rather than the sudden downward plunge by the stock markets of America, Japan, and the world being used by the WEF to create conditions to further their Great Reset ambitions (as I’m convinced was intended),


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