Sunday, August 18, 2024

Should We Expect Multiple “October Surprises” From the Deep State-WEF-UN Cabal?

Election “Polycrisis”: Should We Expect Multiple “October Surprises” From the Deep State-WEF-UN Cabal?

Are multiple planned “crises” just around the corner? Maybe “emergencies” serious enough to throw the election? Maybe postpone the election? Even cancel the election? How about a new pandemic? (Fears over bird flu and monkeypox are being amped up now.) Or a catastrophic cyber attack? (The globalists at the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and other Deep State institutions have been prepping us for that for the past few years.) How about a massive, coordinated series of terrorist attacks like those in Gaza last October? (The Biden-Harris regime has conveniently opened our border and invited millions of migrants — including known terrorists — to invade our country.)

Or perhaps another round of nationwide riots and mayhem a la George Floyd/BLM? (A combination of back-to-college pro-Palestine protests and a race-baiting police shooting should provide sufficient sparks for a coast-to-coast conflagration.) Or, how about Judge Juan Merchan ordering Donald Trump to jail in the totally political “hush money” lawfare case — just days or weeks before the election? (Merchan has shown himself to be conflicted, completely biased, and willing to do Team Biden/Harris’s bidding in locking up its opposition). Or, another assassination attempt? Maybe all of the above? And more?

“October Polycrisis Surprise”

Which brings us to this year’s “October Polycrisis Surprise.” Get ready for a rollout of fearmongering on a scale like you’ve never seen before. We are likely to see daily newscasts and headlines screaming: “Polycrisis, Polycrisis!” and “Emergency, Emergency!” Leading the charge on the polycrisis fright peddling is the World Economic Forum (WEF) — you know, the jet-setting club of globalist billionaires, business moguls, politicians, dictators, and celebrities with carbon footprints the size of sovereign nations, but who prescribe austerity and insect diets for us, while they dine on caviar and filet mignon.

  • “We’re on the brink of a ‘polycrisis’ — how worried should we be?”
  • “This is why ‘polycrisis’ is a useful way of looking at the world right now”
  • “Experts Explain: What Is the Polycrisis?”
  • “Welcome to the Age of Polycrisis — The Global Risks Report 2023”
  •  “Instability, inflation and the ‘polycrisis’ — the Global Risks Report half a year on”
  • “Cybersecurity in this era of polycrisis”
  • “Can the word ‘polycrisis’ help us make sense of the post-Covid world?”
  • “How to maintain global food security during a ‘polycrisis’”

You get the drift. The overall polycrisis message is: “Be afraid. Be very afraid. And then trust us, the experts, to take care of you and lead you through the polycrisis.” In fact, the WEF and the United Nations (with which the WEF has a formal “strategic partnership agreement”) intend to completely reconfigure the world (socially, politically, economically, morally, spiritually — a New World Order) via their “Great Reset.”

World Government the Goal

Naturally, the WEF and UN globocrats have plenty of assistance from a huge globalist network. Also hymning the polycrisis anthem are the usual suspects: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Carnegie Endowment, the Aspen Institute, The New York TimesThe Nation, Reuters, TimeFinancial Times, CNN, Vox, etc., etc. All of this is aimed at herding us into a world government under the United Nations.

The setup for the polycrisis Great Reset was put forward in a 1962 report for the U.S. State Department titled Study Memorandum No. 7: A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations. The author, Dr. Lincoln P. Bloomfield (CFR), a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former State Department official, was a member of the CFR. “A world effectively controlled by the United Nations,” wrote Bloomfield, “is one in which ‘world government’ would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership … thereby codifying a radical rearrangement of power in the world.” We have reported on Bloomfield’s world government scheme many times in The New American (see here, here, and here). I have also covered it extensively in my books Global Tyranny … Step by Step (1992) and The United Nations Exposed (2001).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pushed Fear, have faith in our Lord to walk with us through this valley of insanity, right? Better know new age words are to incite stupidity among even the brightest, right now we need to pray for comfort and wear the armor of Christ to see us forge ahead against evil numb-nuts, in my opinion!