Saturday, August 10, 2024

Riots in Britain should be warning to US

Riots in Britain should be warning to US

If one of your allies starts to fall apart, you should notice it. And learn why.

This past week, Great Britain has been racked with riots and disorder. In Northern Ireland, Protestants and Catholics even came out to riot alongside each other for once.

What has gone on has huge lessons for America. And our politicians here should take note.

The disorder in Britain began after three girls, ages 6, 7 and 9, were stabbed to death as they took part in a Taylor Swift-themed dance party. In the immediate aftermath, locals in Southport were shocked, angry and looking for someone to blame.

In the UK, as in America, the authorities do not just release information about suspects and culprits. They “manage” the release.

In Britain, as in America, if there is believed to be a racial component to a crime, the authorities are even more careful about what information comes out.

But the British public, like Americans, are used to this process. And the longer they sense information is being kept from them, the angrier they can get.

This time the authorities were clearly holding back something about the identity of the suspect. Soon rumors went around online. All from completely unreliable sources. But they caught on.

A rumor went around that the attacker was a Muslim who had only arrived recently with one of the illegal boatloads of migrants who keep pouring into southern Britain.

In fact, although there have been plenty of crimes and terrorism committed by illegals, this was not such a case. 

This time, the person who carried out this appalling crime was the 17-year-old son of Rwandan migrants. His motive is not yet known.

But the local population was inflamed. Soon a small group of thugs started throwing things at a local mosque. Other towns also took out their anger and rage on the police. Which, of course, is one of the stupidest things imaginable.

Some of the police who had been first responders to the site of the massacre were then pelted by an angry public.

But all this happened in a very dangerous context. And it is one that American politicians would do well to understand. Even if their British counterparts fail to.

In the UK — perhaps even more than in America — there is great dislike of the rule-breaking illegal migration.

The sight of mainly young men paying people-smugglers to bring them across the English Channel illegally is appalling. Why should you pay a parking ticket when people get away with this?

Worse is that — like in America — all the illegal arrivals will stay. The law protects them before it protects locals.

The authorities house the illegals in hotels (sound familiar?), and in short, absolutely nothing is done to punish people for breaking the law by breaking into the country.

At the same time, legal migration has gone to a historic high. The Conservative government that came into office in 2010 promising to bring legal net migration down to under 100,000 a year left office earlier this year with legal migration at over 700,000 in one year.


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