Saturday, August 24, 2024

Laura Clark: Spotting the wolves among the shepherds

Laura Clark: Spotting the wolves among the shepherds

If you know me in real life, then you know books are one of my favorite things to discuss. You will always find me with a book on hand, and I’m likely to be reading at least two books at once.

So today, I am writing what I would likely talk to you about if we were sitting together sipping coffee: my latest read. So pour your cup of coffee while I pour mine and let’s begin.

I recently finished “Shepherds for Sale,” by Megan Basham. When I found out this book was coming out, I immediately pre-ordered it – under the guise of getting it for my husband’s birthday – and marked my calendar, looking forward to its arrival. Listening to Basham do the podcast circuit for this book, I couldn’t wait to read it.

It did not disappoint.

If you’re like me, you likely noticed that politics in the church changed by 2020. Sure, we always claimed we weren’t political, but everyone had an opinion. Those opinions began to change slowly years before 2020, but we all noticed once the Covid pandemic rolled around. This book explains why.

Basham begins by showing the left’s problem: They had a plan for politics and legislation in America, but they were consistently thwarted by the evangelical voting bloc. Why couldn’t they pass climate change laws? Because evangelicals believe God created and sustains the world, which will be destroyed by God after the Second Coming of Christ when He decides it’s time, not by climate change. Same issue with abortion, immigration and more.

So, the left decided the best plan was to infiltrate the church. They did this by training the pastors we all listen to, promising them money and fame. And those pastors took it. Then the seminaries got on board, enabling the left to train preachers of smaller churches. And it worked.

Basham meticulously shows how the left used these methods to change the minds of evangelicals on climate change, immigration, abortion, media, Covid-19 (remember how “love your neighbor” got hijacked to mean “wear a mask”??), critical race theory, abuse theory and homosexuality. She has 50 pages of citations proving every single allegation she makes, and mostly states facts, inserting very few opinions. Basham is gracious and gives people the benefit of the doubt where she can, but she also sprinkles some snark, which, of course, made me happy to read. If by some miracle you’re reading this, Megan, we should be friends!

A bombshell book like this predictably produced an explosive response from the leftward-drifting elite. Some claim she took their words out of context. When this happens on Twitter/X, readers pop up and provide proof of their own to back up Basham. I highly recommend following her on Twitter/X to see it happen. It’s really fascinating.

I had a hard time putting this book down. It was especially compelling because most of these things happened in my lifetime. I read about push after push thinking, “Oh man! I remember that!” Reading the chapter on COVID-19 sparked fresh anger toward the government that forced its dogma on the church, and I cringed seeing how formerly faithful ministers were led astray.

John MacArthur wrote a review for the book, saying it is a must-read. I agree. This book shines a light on the darkness creeping in on the church. Our best move is to expose and then correct it.


Anonymous said...

What does "how formerly faithful ministers were led astray" mean?

Anonymous said...

So what do we do with Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-20? Do we remove, at the very least, those sections from our Bibles?

Scott said...

Whats your point?

Anonymous said...

The governing body is of this world and came to power by deception and deceit and therefore not established by GOD. They are a brood of vipers as John and Jesus would have labeled them as they did during our Lord’s time of flesh. A true government by GOD would be representive of the will of the people.

Scott said...

You seem obsessed with this topic for some reason and I don't link other sites as I don't have time to vet them (sorry) --- So we are supposed t o submit to any government authority? Does that include nazi germany by chance? Would you have willingly sent people to their deaths in order to "comply" and "Submit" to "government authorities"? Really? OK - but take it elsewhere - or voice opinions on your linked site - I'm done with this

Scott said...

Thats in reference to first two posts not the third

Anonymous said...

In response to the first two comments, we are called to submit to government authorities as is directed in the scriptures that you cite. The balancing imperative is that when government directives and Biblical doctrine are in conflict then we must align our lives with the scriptures regardless of the consequences with respect to the governing authorities. So the question becomes, did the government dictates with respect to the “pandemic” conflict with scripture? Should the Church close and not meet because the government forbids it? Should humans engage in medical treatments that have the potential to alter our genetic makeup? It may be a legitimate debate but many Pastors were manipulated into acting as government propagandists for a very questionable narrative. Shamefully so, I might add.