Thursday, August 22, 2024

Klaus Schwab Warns of “an Era of Shock Events”

Klaus Schwab Warns of “an Era of Shock Events”

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded terrorist organization that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no repercussions. Klaus Schwab and his “forum” have been proclaiming how they will change the lives of the masses for years but everyone turns a blind eye. They told us we will eat bugs, they told us we will own nothings, they’ve been warning of their sinister plans for some time. The WEF infiltrated government cabinets and altered the left side of politics in every single Western nation. The WEF recently released an ominous article, warning that we must prepare for “an era of shock events” in the near future.

  1. Power disperses in a post-superpower era

The forum stated years ago that one of its goals was to remove America’s title of global superpower. “Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that changing soon. This is partly because superpowers are terribly burdened with global wars and domestic challenges,” the WEF warned. 

A global government is their proposed solution.

  1. An era of shock events

Perhaps the most ominous piece in this article is Schwab’s promise that the world is on the cusp of “an era of shock events.” Enduring global leadership, democratic ideals, globalization and liberal values have all been notably challenged and superpowers are overstretched,” the forum stated, further adding, “This period of muddling through means anything can happen in our post-pandemic era. Look for global risks to be further exacerbated by unexpected, destabilizing shock events.”

These are the three major shock wave events that the WEF plans to orchestrate:

  1. - A new global extremist group emerges
  2. - A cyber pandemic – that is intentional
  3. - Climate change claims its first island nation in the post-pandemic era
The world will be “distracted with multiple major wars and leadership in decline,” providing the globalist cabal with an opportunity to install a “new extremist group.” The forum believes this group will implement AI in its “new phase of terrorism.” The massive global IT outage in July 2024 led to $5.4 billion in damages. Was that a test? The forum warns that we should expect a “grander scale” of cyber-attacks that will attack BANKS, hospitals, and retailers and lead to a halt in worldwide services. Flights will be impacted and the people will be forced to stay in place.

Klaus Schwab’s organization is promising civil unrest, economic collapse, World War III, and the evaporation of a nation. They will use all of the aforementioned fear tactics to drain the people of their power. The globalists are willing to batter the masses with a series of attacks that will act as a staunch warning that there is nowhere to run. 

The government will come in to save the day from the crises they create. Which government? A global government that is capable of assembling to control the entire human population.

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