Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hezbollah to Launch Massive 'October 7' Style Attack on Israel Following 10 Years of Planning

Hezbollah to Launch Massive 'October 7' Style Attack on Israel Following 10 Years of Planning
Samyarup Chowdhury

The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah is prepared to launch a massive attack on Israel rivaling the Hamas incursion on October 7, 2023, concerned analysts have revealed. has learned that the organization has recently revealed footage of a sprawling underground tunnel network that stretches for miles, which can reportedly be used to launch missiles.

It has been reported that around 10 years of planning went into the preparation of the attack, which includes the construction of said tunnel network.

Analysts who have been keeping tabs on Hezbollah’s military activity in southern Lebanon have warned that the scale of the potential attack could make the October 7 incursion “look like a picnic.”

“They are cut into solid rock and bigger than the Hamas tunnels — some big enough to drive a truck through — with electric power and even air conditioning,” the former IDF analyst added.

“But the biggest threat is posed by the sheer volume of their weapons arsenal. They have more than 200,000 rockets, guided missiles and drones.”

Zehavi believes that the militant group is now in possession of enough aerial offensive capabilities to overwhelm the Iron Dome and David’s Sling air defenses of Israel.

She added that the other key players in the Middle East might follow Hezbollah’s lead once the attack begins, which would put Israel at a significant disadvantage.

“… Once their attack starts, it could go on for months — at the same time as others from Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and from Gaza and the West Bank inside Israel,” Zehavi expressed his concern.

“All this is pointed towards us — we are already in a fight for our very existence.” previously offered a glimpse into the state of Hezbollah’s arsenal, citing a report published by the nonprofit Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD).

The FDD report, which was published in July, noted:

“Though Hezbollah’s earliest organizational tactics revolved around terrorist attacks and guerrilla operations, the group has transformed its military wing in recent years into a conventional force conservatively estimated at 40,000 combatants.”

“Accompanying this force is a massive stockpile of at least 150,000 mortars, short-to long-range unguided rockets, unguided short-range ballistic missiles, and smaller numbers of intermediate-range unguided Scud-B/C/D ballistic missiles.”

The nonprofit further estimated in its report that the Lebanese militant organization possesses “somewhere between 40,000–80,000 short-range rockets that could bombard northern Israel with saturating fire.”

It is worth noting that the former IDF analyst revealed that she had come across a video clip from ten years ago depicting Radwan Force troops from Hezbollah taking part in the simulation of an attack that followed the exact blueprint of the October 7 incursion by Hamas.

“I watched video of the Hezbollah battle plan the day after October 7 and realised this was the template for what had just happened in the south,” Zehavi was quoted as saying.

“All of the detail was there, including instructions on taking hostages as human shields and causing maximum terror. Other plans included a mission to seize and hold territory and the conquest of the northern Galilee region.”

“I realised then that their plan to carry out an October 7-style attack in the north had already been drawn up and was so shocked I immediately evacuated my family,” she noted.

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