Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal

In a recent episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast hosted by Chris Williamson, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard shed light on a chilling reality: the U.S. government is being controlled by an unelected, powerful cabal.

During her conversation with Williamson, Gabbard laid out a detailed narrative about the hidden power structures she believes are pulling the strings in Washington.

According to her, the real decision-makers are not President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris but rather a shadowy group of Democrat elites, military-industrial complex beneficiaries, and national security state officials.

Gabbard identified prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of this elite group. She argued that these individuals, along with their allies in the military-industrial complex, profit from maintaining a constant state of war. This, in turn, allows them to expand their authority and strip away the liberties of ordinary Americans.

One of Gabbard’s most troubling points was her assertion that the United States, often touted as the world’s oldest democracy, is not functioning as a true democracy should.

She emphasized that the principle of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” has been undermined by this unelected bureaucracy. This makes it increasingly difficult for voters to hold those in power accountable, as the real decision-makers are not those who have been elected.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tulsi, on one hand she comes across a genuine, on the other hand she is singing John Lennon’s song Imagine. Has she changed or is she trying to worm her way into a position of power as a mole to maintain the status quo. It is difficult to sort out all the deception these days and arrive at reality.