Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chaos Coming

Spiritual War And Chaos

Our Legislative Branch figured out how to become millionaires off the public dole long ago.  Even in times of government shutdowns, they’ve managed to give themselves raises in their salaries...salaries that they continue to receive for life — long after they leave office, if they ever do.  And they’ve figured out how to launder money through shady business deals, gifts from so-called “lobbyists,” by taking outright bribes from Big Pharma, and through continuing to fund foreign wars by way of the Military Industrial Complex.
And our Judicial Branch is a “set up” too.  If you think there’s no agenda there and their only intention is to properly interpret the Constitution, you’d be wrong.  Our Supreme Court, and lower court justices are equally beholden to the Globalist Regime, the Deep State, whatever you want to call it.

Make no mistake, our “public servants” today — with a very few exceptions — deserve none of our admiration or respect.  They’re swindlers, criminals — and if the truth were to be known, most of them are perverts.  They serve themselves on this “all-you-can-eat” buffet we’ve laid out for them, which we pay for, and they get it all for free, and no one can stop them.  Most of them have never done a hard day’s work in their lives.  They consider themselves above the law, (which they are), and their credibility is less than that of the telemarketer, the used car or timeshare salesman.

Now, once again, we find ourselves in another so-called “election” year.  I hate to be cynical, but I don’t believe we’ve had free and fair elections — at least on the national level — for a very long time.  For decades, they’ve been rigged.  Especially when it comes to the Presidential elections.  Presidents are selected, not elected.  That’s my opinion.  The outcomes of these theater shows are pre-determined well in advance by entities and powers we know nothing of.  Once in office, their actions are controlled by puppeteers pulling the strings.

America is at the brink of total collapse, in whatever direction you look.  Our economy, our cost of living, our personal investments.  Our morality as a nation has never been lower.  As a people, we are now more divided than the color of our skin, by our gender, by our preference of sexual activity, by our income levels and more. Normal working people can’t afford the basic necessities anymore — food, shelter, clothing, transportation, utilities —  while those who choose not to work receive every advantage...or should I say “bribe?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Build back better demands everything be destroyed first. Otherwise the label would say improve upon. Their vision of utopia is only for those that are in control. All the rest(other 99 percent of humanity)are disposable assets of limited use.